Anchorage, AK Monthly Weather | AccuWeather The average sliding 31-day snowfall during the winter in Anchorage is rapidly decreasing, starting the season at 9.4 inches, when it rarely exceeds 18.6 inches or falls below 2.8 inches, and ending the season at 5.4 inches, when it rarely exceeds 13.9 inches or falls below 0.9 inches. Anchorage averages 79 inches of snow per year. $('.five-sixth-first').css({
The months with the least snowfall are June, July and August (0"). For snowfall, the annual mean average for 2000 to 2022 was 76.4 inches;[5] the highest snowfall season being 2011 - 2012 with 134.5 inches, and the lowest season being 25.1 inches in 2015. The horizontal axis is the day, the vertical axis is the hour of the day, and the colored areas indicate when the moon is above the horizon. Greatest Snowfall in One Season The thin dotted lines are the corresponding average perceived temperatures. Climate Anchorage - Alaska and Weather averages Anchorage National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration This appears[according to whom?] (KELO) We turn the calendar to meteorological spring this week as March begins on Wednesday. }. [6] The action plan includes all of the municipality of Anchorage, as far north as Eklutna and as south as Portage. box-shadow: 0 0 7px black;
The US average is 28 inches of snow per year.
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NWS Unlike temperature, which typically varies significantly between night and day, dew point tends to change more slowly, so while the temperature may drop at night, a muggy day is typically followed by a muggy night. The wettest month (with the highest rainfall) is September (1.93"). ","grid_layout":"1","site_url":"https:\/\/","show_comments":"Show Comments","masonryEnabled":"","blogMasonryBreakPoint":"768"};
Sorry, the location you searched for was not found. Climate of Anchorage - Wikipedia The US average is 205 sunny days. var element = $( this );
[4] The months with the highest average mean of rain were August and September, each having an annual mean of 2.75 inches (August) and 3.24 inches (September). .ui-tooltip, {
City. The wind experienced at any given location is highly dependent on local topography and other factors, and instantaneous wind speed and direction vary more widely than hourly averages. 15.9F. All other weather data, including cloud cover, precipitation, wind speed and direction, and solar flux, come from NASA's MERRA-2 Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis . All NOAA, $(document).ready(function(){
NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI).

Average annual precip. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration The charts include values for the 2021-2022 season through February 24, as well as the long-term average and the season with the highest recorded values at each location. This occurred during the year that ended December 31st, 1955. Anchorage is normally free of snow every year from June to August.
The one-day record snowfall for Anchorage, Alaska was recorded on March 17th, 2002 as seen in the chart below. Our memory of the past winter can sometimes be judged by a strong beginning to the winter, a long & cold winter season or a massive snowstorm that tested all snow removal equipment at the end of the season. }
Detailed climate information with charts - average monthly weather with temperature, pressure, humidity, precipitation, wind, daylight, sunshine, visibility, and UV index data. . The windiest month (with the highest average wind speed) is November (6.3mph). Learn more about UAsnotice of web accessibility.
Snow Depth (Feb 24)