why is the tetragrammaton in a triangle?

We must utter the main conjurations in Latin in order to invoke the superior forces. My Jewish Learning is a not-for-profit and relies on your help. The name Jehovah is a product . In this way, we are assisted by the Tetragram. In the Tree of Life are three columns. According to Hyrule Historia, the goddesses left behind "three golden triangles." A fourth triangle is . Some versions of the Bible translate the tetragrammaton as "Yahweh" or "Jehovah"; most translate it as "LORD" (all capital letters). So Iod Hei Vav Hei is the sword. - The Three Mountains. GRAMMA = Means graphic or letter in Greek. It represented the holy trinity and was most likely something Lamy had seen in his youth in France. The multitude needed to eat the bread of heaven, thus Jesus gave it to them from the heart; Jesus was in the middle because he is Tiphereth. So now you understand why this Conjuration of the Four is almighty. YHWH can be interpreted in multiple ways, from He who will be, is, and has been to He Who Is to He Brings into Existence Whatever Exists to simply I Am., It is perhaps this multiplicity yet cohesion of meanings that most powerfully points to who God is. The three brains in the physical body imply the Tetragram. You can perform the three factors individually or in a group. This is because an alef cannot be pronounced with a shvah. And he charged them, saying, Take heed, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, and of the leaven of Herod. In order to put any of these three types of mercury into activity, you need the forces of Venus. Saturn-Binah did that, and who is Uranus? Thus, any Alchemist who performs the multiplication of bread and fish nourishes his heart and mind with wisdom. The many stories intrigued Floyd S. Fierman, a historian who was rabbi of Temple Mount Sinai in El Paso, Texas, between 1949 and 1979. My good friend, he says the angel Adonai, who of course works with every initiate. Air, circulate! Chavez responded that the placement of the Tetragrammaton in a triangle was a common Christian symbol in Europe. However, Y doesnt exist in Latin, so Latin-speaking Christian scholars replaced the Y with I or J to get JeHoWaH, which became Jehovah as it spread throughout medieval Europe. It is easy to see when you use your intuition and your mind. They said seven. When the Lord God made the earth and the heavens-." The tetractys ( Greek: ), or tetrad, [1] or the tetractys of the decad [2] is a triangular figure consisting of ten points arranged in four rows: one, two, three, and four points in each row, which is the geometrical representation of the fourth triangular number. This is why you read in Matthew 13:33 the following: Another parable spoke Jesus unto them: The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven (yeast), which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal (wheat flour), till the whole was fermented. Answer: Of course, this is simple; the practices that you have to do are the three factors of the revolution of the consciousness, which are executed in different levels. Christian scholars continued to refer to the Tetragrammaton as Jehovah until 19th and 20th century scholars returned to Yahweh, a form of which dated back to early Christian writers such as the 2nd century Clement of Alexandria. Anael is Venus, the voluptuousness of the Nun (the fish) within the two crossed waters. It is the one that utilizes the Conjuration of the Four a lot because he has a lot of negativity within himself but he is a king, a master, but is black or a hasnamuss, who is the one who has a lot of white and a lot of black inside. It is necessary to give time, so that those who have received the Gnostic doctrine can work on themselves. Why is the Tetragrammaton in a triangle? Tetragrammaton Symbol - Early Church History The Tetragrammaton: I AM and I AM, Exodus 3:14 This issue is compounded because of a Jewish taboo on speaking Gods name. This is why Christ (Chokmah - Uranus) is crucified there, he is crucified in the four elements, because he does the work there. Fiat judicium per ignem in virtute Michael! The Holy Spirit is not a person; it is Gods active force. One version of the story is that Lamy attended the merchants weekly poker game, though, as archbishop, he did not participate. It represented the holy trinity and was most likely something Lamy had seen in his youth in France. The alchemist discovers the hidden yeast in his woman, who represents the woman who took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was fermented; and he says, I am going to take her yeast so that I can make with her my own bread in my own oven, which is the great miracle of the multiplication of bread and fish. The Conjuration of the Four is a powerful conjuration that the magician uses in order to invoke the higher forces of the world of Yetzirah (the world of the angels, the world of formation) in order to reject negative forces related with the four elements of nature, which are related with our psychosomatic nature. The Tetragrammaton The Tetragrammaton is normally a four letter name of God written in Hebrew. In Ten Luminous Emanations, Rav Ashlag teaches that there is a spiritual process through which all true Desire is created. He wants to see if the seed he planted, the wheat that he gave, is going to ferment in those who practice sexual alchemy. A common motif in church decorations in parts of Europe from the 16th-19th centuries. A Malachim is a human being in the complete sense of the word. The lord from above (Iod Hei Vav Hei, Iod-Chavah) begins with Iod and ends with the Hei in Malkuth, whose feminine name is Adonai, a name that ends with Iod. PDF Tetragrammaton is the Key to Occult Theogony - Philaletheians What does Tetragrammaton mean in the Bible? Its father is the Sun (Michael), its mother is the Moon (Gabriel), the Wind (Raphael) carried it in its belly (or Caduceus of Mercury), its nurse is the (spirituous of the Nun, the Salt of the) earth (the Ens Veneris, Venus - Anael), the mother (the Nun) of all perfection is here. How are you going to command the undines of the water if you dont control your own sexual waters? If you read carefully The Pistis Sophia, a book written by Master Jesus and later unveiled by Master Samael, you will see how each one of the thirteen repentances is recited or compared with a psalm of David. And he commanded the multitude to sit down on the grass, and took the five loaves, and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed, and brake, and gave the loaves to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude. The angel Adonai is an angel of the Moon. Be established in the earth by Adam Iod-Chavah! Again we are naming here the Tetragrammaton. The Tetragrammaton is one example of the phenomenon called "k'ri u'k'siv" ( ), where the word written in the text is not the word spoken aloud by the reader. Remember that, magic or priesthood is the power that we exercise over the elements through the Caduceus of Mercury, because through our spine is how we control our own particular elements. Will a rifle serve me if I do not have bullets? The Gnostic also knows how to control the forces of nature, the elementals, with his mind, but he always respects freewill and the will of the angels of Yetzirah. The fermentation that he is talking about is the alchemical work, because he taught Alchemy in all of his books. In the English transliteration these letters are usually shown as YHVH or IHVH and are pronounced as either "Yahweh" or "Jehovah". That is why Samael Aun Weor stated that there are not two factors but three, and you have to work with the three all the time. This is why everything related with Solomon was gold, the symbol of the third wise man. The story begins in 1869 when Jean-Baptiste Lamy, Santa Fe's first archbishop, laid the cornerstone of the cathedral. Together with the Gemara, it makes up the Talmud. Serpent, may Adonia the Tetragrammaton command thee by the angel and the lion! The Power of the Tetragrammaton. You have to develop your own internal mind, which is developed through the three factors of the revolution of the consciousness: This is how, little by little, your internal mind will awaken, develop, because it is related with the psyche, the soul. This is how the miracle of the multiplication of bread and fish is done. It is done by the lord, the Inner Jesus (Ieshua the Son of Nun). The black magicians know how to do magic, but they do not ask permission to any heavenly being, not even to their own God, because they are not even following their own God. How are you going to command the gnomes of the earth if you are lazy? Fiermans research, the results of which he published in several places, led him to question the differing accounts. It was replaced vocally in synagogues as Adonai. Also what is the significance of the triangle and circle on the triangle of solomon/art? Alyssa Roatis a literary agent atC.Y.L.E., a professional writing major atTaylor University, and a freelance editor withSherpa Editing Services. Similar to other monotheists in the Judeo-Christian tradition, they believe God to be personal and not an impersonal higher power. - The Three Mountains. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". tetragrammaton inscribed with an equilateral triangle and placed within a circle of rays But even in the earliest ages, when the Deity was painted or sculptured as a personage, the nimbus, or glory, which surrounded the head of the Father, was often made to assume a triangular form. Always understand that these forces are the four elements in one, as for instance, in the four sides of the pyramids of Egypt, and the sphinx of Egypt, which has these four symbols: the face of a human being (the water), the wings of an eagle (air), the paws of a lion (fire), and the hoofs of the bull or the ox (earth). What Is the Tetragrammaton? Meaning and Usage - Christianity have ye your heart yet hardened? It is a symbol of sexual magic. In the Mishnah (in Sanhedrin 10:1), as Rabbi Louis Jacobs notes in The Jewish Religion, the sage Abba Saul declares that one who pronounces the divine name with its letters (i.e. Surely Lamy was grateful for that. Yes, without the fish (the Nun of Nuriel) you cannot perform that alchemical work, which we see precisely in this beautiful graphic. They did not ask permission of the angels in order to drill there, in order to take the petroleum out of bed of the ocean. THE MYSTERY OF THE TETRAGRAMMATON (Part 3) deephighlands Chastity; you have to know how to transmute your sexual energy. Shield of Trinity symbol, also known as the Scutum Fidei, is a Christian symbol depicting the concept of the Holy Trinity.This diagrammatic representation has been found to have been in use as long back as the twelfth century for helping proclaim the fundamental Christian doctrine that the Almighty God is manifest in 3 distinct ways - as the Father, the Son (Jesus) & the Holy Spirit. Two Esoteric Masonic Concepts Which Are Linked By The Tetragrammaton In other words, they come from the east, which is Tiphereth, and went into the west which is the physical world. Per Angelum et Leonem - Angelum represents the man, Adam, the water. Vav is the long, straight curved blade of the sword the length of the sword. The man is the water, the bull is the earth, the lion is the fire, and the eagle is the air. The most likely pronunciation is Yahweh, pronounced YAH-way or YAH-weh.. It is the Kalachakra. The Tetragrammaton is a Greek word meaning 'the four lettered name' and represents the four lettered name of God; the four Hebrew letters Yod, Heh, Vav, Heh, which transliterates into YHVH, or IHVH in Latin. All Rights Reserved, A Guide to Jewish Acronyms and Abbreviations. You now know why you need the physical body, represented by a woman, in order to make bread, in order to ferment the flour. John Cortright Scholars often refer to the four letter name of God, YHWH, as the Tetragrammaton. In Europe, this was a common Christian symbol, denoting the One god of Moses and Abraham revealed in their New Covenant, as Three Divine Persons in one God . The caduceus forms a circle with a cross, the symbol of Venus; indeed, we call it the caduceus of mercury, yet, in order for that caduceus of mercury to work, we need the forces of Venus, which are the forces of Anael. It expresses the domination of the spirit over the elements of Nature. And there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. Now the disciples had forgotten to take bread, neither had they in the ship with them more than one loaf. Man and woman unite alchemically in order to make the miracle of the multiplication of bread and fish, and this is why in the gospel of Mark 8:13-21, it is written: And he left them, and entering into the ship again departed to the other side. So first we have to control our elemental forces then we can exercise power over the elements. If you observe, we have three brains in one body. Remember that you are as an individual are a small, a micro nature. E-Commerce Site for Mobius GPO Members The duties are to work, reflect and pray; to hope, trust and believe; to teach the truths that are hidden in allegory and concealed by the symbols of Freemasonry. This is not the case, as has been shown, as Jehovah evolved from a continued mixing of words, alphabets, and languages, not emerginguntil around the 16th century. And when the seven among four thousand, how many baskets full of fragments took ye up? Our inner God in his turn asks permission to the angels of Yetzirah - the ones who command the elementals of nature - in order to exercise certain rituals in favor of something or somebody. Serpens, imperet tibi Dominus Tetragrammaton, per Angelum et Leonem! Tetragrammaton in American English. Within her womb she hides the mystery of the yeast. The Hebrew divine name YHWH enclosed within a triangle to suggest Christian Trinitarian symbolism. Samael Aun Weor explained that Master Jesus performed that miracle in Yesod, the world of the fourth dimension, although when you read that and you are not using alchemical and Kabbalistic mentality, you are just thinking of the miracle of going into the fourth dimension and feeding a lot of people; but think and analyze: the fourth dimension is Yesod, and Yesod is sex. They know how to command the elementals of nature with their mind. Adon is lord. He is the one who is fulfilling the will of his God, but he does it through thirteen repentances. From where this firmament extends and takes a female form, Malkuth [Adonia], at the back of the male, Zauir Anpin. Answer: No, there is no point, because the conjurations work when you have energy. Adam Iod-Chavah represents Adam who works with the power of Iod Hei Vav Hei, because this is how it is written in Hebrew: Adam Iod-Chavah. We have to work with Venus. These seven represent the seven serpents: Malkuth, Yesod, Hod, Netzach, Tiphereth, Geburah, and Chesed. Chavez responded that the placement of the Tetragrammaton in a triangle was a common Christian symbol in Europe. Why not a man? Last Sunday was subject to the power of the full moon in Libra opposing the Sun and Venus in Aries. The Holy Spirit is the name of Gods active force in the world. In the 6th through 10th centuries, the Masoretes, who worked to reproduce the original Hebrew text of the Bible, inserted the vowels from Adonai or Elohim into YHWH to get YeHoWeh or YeHoWaH. Did you hear that sentence in the book of revelation that says behold the lion of Judah has prevailed. What is that lion? Literally, the word Tetragrammaton [i] means "having four letters" and is the name given to the four Hebrew letters (Yod-He-Vav-He) which represent the name of God. So all the work of the four is a work of alchemy, and this is why the first four lines of the Conjuration of the Four (which is in Latin) read: Caput mortum, imperet tibi dominus per vivum et devotum serpentem! The tetragrammaton in Phoenician/Latin YHWH are four Hebrew consonants (yodh, he, waw, he) first recorded in Genesis 2:4: "This is the account of the heavens and earth when they were created. The word tetragrammaton means four-letter word. The Symbolism of Freemasonry: XXIV. The Ineffable Name - sacred-texts.com Adapted in part from the Jewish Encyclopedia. He is a slave of the earth, a slave of the air, of the fire, the water.. Alchemy and the Tetragram (1) Defense for Spiritual Warfare - Glorian And he took the seven loaves and the fishes, and gave thanks, and brake them, and gave to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude. These are two forces. The Esoteric Meaning of the Tetragrammaton - Spirit of the Scripture Transcription from: Defense for Spiritual Warfare Course. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Fierman found an 1869 newspaper account of the main donors to the cathedral. Tailor's chalk triangle is more durable when marking heavy fabrics, so no marks are left once the fabric has been cut and sewn. And Jesus went forth, and saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them, and he healed their sick. The Degrees of the Scottish Rite | Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite Both are self-referential tautologies. The sylphs of the air, which control the clouds, the forces of the mind - how are you going to control them if you cant control your mind, if you easily identify with your lustful thoughts or with your fantasies? But when Fierman sought an explanation from church officials, he received the following response from Fray Angelico Chavez, who had compiled a catalogue of the archives of the archdiocese between 1678 and 1900: It is to be noted that the Tetragrammaton is enclosed in a triangle. Neither the seven loaves of the four thousand, and how many baskets ye took up? We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. This name, YHWH, is known as the Tetragrammaton. TON = When added to the end of any . What is the forbidden name of God? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The defects that we have relate to the four elements. You are passive: holy negation; you are just listening. More than a hundred of her works have been featured in publications ranging fromThe Christian Communicator toKeys for Kids.Find out more about herhereand on social media@alyssawrote. When you see a triangle, you see a unity (1), but within that unity you see three points (3), three lines, three forces. In this phrase we are establishing (awakening) Iod Hei Vav Hei (which is pronounced Iod-Chavah) in Malkuth. Now you know why we say Dominus which is a Latin word for Adonai. The outcome of alchemy is not just to become as many people think, a magician, in order to control the forces and to show off. They do not care about the will of the angels of Yetzirah. The Tetragrammaton YHVH makes its first appearance in Genesis 2:4 only after God has perfected the Creation and can finally rest: "These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that YHVH Elohim made earth and the skies." The Tetragrammaton symbol is formed with the letters YHWH which stands for the secret word for God or EHYH that stood for female, or Eve. David was not the son of Saul (who was something else, a mixture of ego with knowledge) yet David had a son with Bathsheba (his twin soul) who gave birth to Solomon, the soli-man, the solar man, the third king, the yellow king. Anael, Uriel, and Nuriel are the same light force of Venus. With this Magic symbol we can command and conquer the elemental creatures that populate the regions of Fire, Air, Water and Earth. Why is this interesting? - The Tetragrammaton Edition - Substack The rose signifies the dawn and the cross is a sacred symbol of antiquity in many cultures. All of that is alchemy. Tetragrammaton Pendant: Meaning and Consecration - Love Magic Works The tetragrammaton, in Hebrew and YHWH in Latin script, is the four-letter biblical name of the God and is God Moshe Chaim Luzzatto,says that the tree of the tetragrammaton "unfolds" in accordance with the intrinsic nature of its letters, "in the same order in which they appear in the Name, in the mystery of ten and the mystery of four." Namely, the upper cusp of the Yod is Arich . Most Bible Dictionaries, today, say the Sacred Name (or the "Tetragrammaton") should be pronounced "YAHWEH," with a "W" sound at the end of the name or title. Chavez responded that the placement of the Tetragrammaton in a triangle was a common Christian symbol in Europe.It represented the holy trinity and was most likely something Lamy had seen . The process consists of four phases: Chochmah, Binah, Zeir Anpin, and Malchut. The gnomes of the earth are diligent, but if you are lazy they wont obey you, because they obey the one who has power over them. Venus is the force of love. What is to conjure? By evil-will I am addressing their ego, because such is the nature of the black magicians; they walk on the path of magic and priesthood not with Chesed, their Being, but with their ego - yes, with their ego-will of Klipoth. And they did all eat, and were filled: and they took up of the fragments that remained twelve baskets full. All Time Past Year Past 30 Days; Abstract Views: 1230: 177: 12: Full Text Views: 59: 0: 0: PDF Views & Downloads: 30: 4: 1: Products. This is why you find those symbols in the very middle of the pentagram. What is YHWH? What is the tetragrammaton? | GotQuestions.org He is a solar man, but during his alchemical work, when I meet him physically in Mexico, he was a white king, yet before developing the white king within himself, he was a black king, still with ego, as he stated: In that forgone epoch of my present existence, I had not even died within myself. Understanding the Triangle and Pentagram of Solomon : r/occult - reddit This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. It is crucial here to be aware that every mystic tradition, every source of spirituality, every fountain of knowledge, has been historically POISONED & CORRUPTED, interdicted and planted with all kinds of untruths and spin to suit the demonic Demiurgic manipulators of this false 3D Semi-Virtual Reality; as you read in the above Wikipedia link, The four holy creatures relate with the top of the Tree of Life in the world of Yetzirah, which relates to the Sephirah Binah, the Holy Spirit. David represents the white priesthood, the white magician, the white magi, the white wise man. This is why in the conjuration says Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Anael. The white wise man is represented in the bible by King David, while the black king is represented by Saul, the first king of Israel, who was anointed by Iod-Chavah but he only killed one thousand egos, while David killed ten thousand. On the left leg of the pentagram (not your left side but the left of the pentagram) is a moon, which symbolises the forces of Gabriel, the angel of the moon. So, water, earth, fire, and the air which will raise the bread, these are the four elements. And they said, Seven. So when saying the lord you know it is the lord but it is better to say Adonai because it is a Hebrew mantric word. The bread from heaven has leaven, yeast, thus when you eat it, it has more taste; that is the bread that the Israelites ate in the wilderness, yet they ate the unleavened bread in Egypt, when they were in tribulation; Everybody eats unleavened bread when in tribulation. The angels in the world of Yetzirah control the sylphs of the air, the salamanders of fire, the gnomes of the earth, and the undines of the water. Why is the Tetragrammaton in a triangle? <<< BREAKING NEWS The horizontal and vertical beams together make INRI. However, the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia declares unequivocally of this assumed pronunciation of the ancient name or title of God. Reason no 2. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. We are that Tetragram. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Blog at WordPress.com. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Tetragrammaton definition, the Hebrew word for God, consisting of the four letters yod, he, vav, and he, transliterated consonantally usually as YHVH, now pronounced as Adonai or Elohim in substitution for the original pronunciation forbidden since the 2nd or 3rd century b.c. Adonai or Adony means my Lord. Adonai is another Tetragrammaton or four lettered name. The Conjuration of the Four addresses the Tetragrammaton. yard flamingos for birthday. The perfume of the Spirit of the Elohim flows when you are transmuting your Genesic waters. Sanskrit is also a mantric language. With each group internally wanting to define the other by specific word choices and then projecting a defensive posture . The master Samael Aun Weor is now at the level of Solomon. Dominus in Latin means the lord but the lord is Adonai, Adony in Hebrew. Likewise, when you work in the annihilation of the ego, if you analyze, there are always three forces working there. He that is able to receive it (the Nun), let him receive it. . Uranus governs the genitalia, the forces of sex. First of all, keep in mind I am not qualified in ceremonial magic, all my experience was with folk magic, shamanism and witchcraft. They are diligent, so how is a lazy person going to command them, by yawning? Definition of tetragrammaton : the four Hebrew letters usually transliterated YHWH or JHVH that form a biblical proper name of God compare yahweh. Tailor's chalk triangle allows for easy measuring, as marks can be seen before any seam . They just want to develop powers. To understand this, we have to observe the Tree of Life. That is the Conjuration of the Four, and remember it has effect in accordance to our own level of alchemy. When the positive (male) and negative (female) are united, they utilize the third, the force of sex, in order to destroy what we need to destroy: the ego.

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why is the tetragrammaton in a triangle?