hoi4 change ideology command kaiserreich

Halved the time it takes for Muscat to seek a guarantee. Fixed Azerbaijan joining the Istanbul Pact after the Russo-Ottoman Convention. Peru's Quechua revolt is now a dynamic tag. Renamed several Portuguese victory points in Africa. Fixed a loading screen using the incorrect flag for Canada. Fixed the League of Eight Provinces missions to rescue governors firing after the War of the Five Provinces has ended. Fixed Swedens AI going turning into a Protectionist Economy too often while SocCon, when there is a chance that they may be able to form Scandinavia. Russia will now send volunteers to Greece and Romania in the Fourth Balkan War. Fixed an exploit allowing Poland to potentially claim the entire world. JAP left-wing parties now lose some popularity during the first and second popular front events. Fixed the Socialist Russian Transsiberian national focus giving infrastructure to the wrong states. Changed Li Bingzhi's role in Manchu-led Qings conspiracy. Clarified the Mittelafrikan / Portuguese Bush War Outcome game rule. Slight nerf to CNT-FAI, with slight buffs to the Kingdom of Spain and the Carlists. Fixed the Basque annexation event not firing. Fixed the French Republic being unable to core France if they lost control of the state mid-decision. MarLibs will be added as a coalition partner of the Industrial Corps in Sichuan, if Liu Xiang and Liu Wenhui make an alliance. Fixed event which calls Poland or Italy into the Belgrade Pact war with Austria, in an instance where they have already acquired their needed states in the interim. Added two new national focuses to the Union of Britain, that grant new generals and admirals upon completion. Added a news event for the Italian Civil War resuming. Fixed the Nejd & Hasa / Oman peace mission instantly failing. Fixed IMRO's decisions not actually showing up. Overhaul the Paraguayan design companies. Removed the A New 1066 / 1328 events from Russia, which granted free spawned divisions. Fixed Sakhalin not going to Japan in its annexation event. Panamas two states have been merged into one. Countries supported by Canada will no longer refuse volunteers. Fixed Canada being re-added to the Legation Council if out of the Entente. Zhu De ceding power to Zhu Peide now adds a coalition with his socdems. Chile will now receive Tierra del Fuego if it can't be returned to Argentina by whoever is releasing it. Fixed the United Kingdom being forced to return South Africa's lands to Canada. Restored the 50% value of equipment transfer upon capitulation (this is now the same as vanilla HoI4). Fixed Puerto Rico asking for statehood multiple times. Fixed the missing portrait for Morocco's generic admiral. Fixed Tuva not being transferred to RUS/SOV when the latter is released. Increased Germanys stability loss caused by Black Monday. Fixed the former Entente member flag not being cleared in the rare instance where the Entente collapses more than once. Democratic Centroamerica no longer can elect RadSocs. Removed the Don-Kuban Union, in-line with changes in the coming Russia rework. The Romanian Legion's party name will be changed to "Totul Pentru Tar" - the "Everything for the Country" party - if they were elected after Michael's coup. Moved General Bruno Malaguti and Mario Roatta to Sardinia, from Emilia. A significant rebalance of the League War, including unit limits, equipment changes, and AI tweaks. In return, they receive a national spirit which gives political power generation. Lengthened the debuff to Manchu-led Qing for defaulting on their debt. New England now stops embargoing Canada's enemies when it declares independence. Fixed the sound effect of the Toccata event chain playing for all nations in multiplayer. Fixed Lhagvasuren retaining Ossendowsky's description. Added descriptions to Portugals political parties. Fixed the Collapse of the Portuguese Empire events not taking a partial Portuguese victory against Mittelafrika in the Bush War into consideration, with regards to Mozambique. Franz von Bayern is now removed from Germany's general roster when he is crowned king of Scotland. Greatly improve the odds of AI NFA seizing Spanish Morocco, Added generic event for the Suez zone if not released by OTT, Italian countries now have to leave the Entente if they claim Malta, Halifax Conference made a bit more likely to succeed, Libya can now move its capital to Benghazi or Tripoli. Fixed Syria not leaving the Cairo Pact, if Iraq challenges Egyptian domination. German East Asian generals and admirals can now flee to Germany, if the colony falls. Removed a lot of RNG from the Russo-Ottoman deal. Fixed NatPop Papal State from being unable to do political national focuses. Fixed the Ottoman Empire inviting a buffer state Persia or Afghanistan to the Association of Muslim Nations. Releasing Namibia now requires South Africa to be released first. Alash Orda can no longer release the Turkestan splinters. New National Focus icons for Poland, Scandinavia, Sweden, Qing and Uruguay. Fixed Andesias leader staying the same, after the vote of no confidence. The Caspian Sea has been reverted to being treated as a lake rather than a sea, due to incompatibility with demanding navies in peace conferences. Fixed Croatia rebelling against Yugoslavia, in parts of Croatia that werent under Yugoslav control. Fixed NatPop Mihai Romania being unable to finish their focus tree. If the United Kingdom tries to demand Northern Ireland from Ireland, and Ireland is in a faction, but a reunited America is in the Entente, then the UK may try and pressure Irelands faction leader into getting Ireland to submit. Fixed the starting Illyrian flag (again). Fixed NatPop Italian Republic getting Dalmatia and Rijeka inappropriately in the Treaty of Budapest. Added improved starting tank armour and engine technologies to Germany. Fixed the Netherlands losing their claim on Suriname if restored by the Dutch East Indies. Lowered the compliance requirements in the Italian coring decisions from 75% to 50%. Fixed an Irish foreign policy decision being available too early. Polands Red Intermarium no longer inherits the other countries troops. Qings national focus Improve the Jinghan Railroad now actually improves the railroad. Japans Fading Sun mission will now only fire when all of the prerequisites for offering peace are complete. Nepal's peace with India now covers Bhutan as well. A restored United Kingdom is now much less likely to claim Northern Ireland if Ireland is in the Entente. Fixed Shandong declaring war on Anqing when both are pro-Fengtian. Fixed Bolivia being locked out of its political tree if the NatPop coup happens after Rewrite the Constitution is completed. Add claims for NatPop Argentina to Iguassu and Ponta Pora states via focus, rather than in the annexation events. Fixed the Left Kuomintang being unable to interact with KMT Liangguang. Added unique Japanese names for territories in Africa and the Pacific Islands. Nerfed Bosnias state category and removed its civilian factory. Fixed Fate of India decision so its available even if Madras still exists. AI Entente countries can now send volunteers to Canada's chosen side. Fixed some incorrect tooltips on Ottoman national focuses, depending on the incumbent government. Fixed Polands Red Intermarium claims disappearing. Changed the state borders for Murmansk so that the railway isn't cut off. Fixed the Ottoman Empire inviting Azerbaijan to the Istanbul Pact after Persia has already been defeated. Fixed an endless loop in the Federalist Chinas Shantou Conference. Fixed the advisor picture for Aleksandr Voznesensky showing his brother. Fixed the Nepal opinion modifier added by demanding return of states applying to the wrong other country. Fixed non-socialist Tripolitania keeping the Baath. Fixed Mexicos peace deal causing a peace between the Entente and Internationale. Fixed JBS strengthening ties with a dynasty they deposed. The Sarajevo Accord faction is now lead by the Ottomans instead of by Austria. Fixed Serbia inviting itself to the 2nd Belgrade Congress. New company icons for Germany (Henschel and Fieseler). By default, its the current setting where WK2 cant happen before 1939 (or, rather, it shouldnt - though there are some places which have been missed). Fixed Japan not being able to invest in naval dockyards properly. Ukraine can no longer core southern Bucovina. All White Ruthenian paths can now get 4 research slots. Changed Iraq icons for several focuses, National Spirits and a decision. Fixed being able to choose Status Quo in the Austrian secret deal path. Decreased the manpower buffs in Monarchist Bulgaria slightly. The Left Kuomintangs Establish JiangFu Base Government national focus now gives forts instead of infrastructure, and gives 1000 units of infantry equipment instead of 250. Roy, Mohan Singh, Montagu Stepford, Pran Nath Thapar, Prem Sahgal, Ram Dass Katari, Rash Behari Bose, Sardar Patel, Shah Nawaz Khan, Subayya Thimayya, Syed Ahmed El Edroos, Walter Lentaigne, William Slim, Mongolia: 7th Changkya Khutukhtu, Altanochir, Anandyn Amar, Boris Rezukhin, Dansranbilegiin Dogsom, Davizavyn Losol, Demchugdongrub, Jamsrangiin Tseveen, Jodbajab, Khatanbaatar Magsarjav, Khorloogiin Choibalsan, Manlaibaatar Damdinsren, Mikhail Tornovsky, Nikolay Kazagrandi, lziin Badrakh, nenbayan, Z. Lhagvasuren, Nicaragua: Augusto Csar Sandino, Juan Bautista Sacasa, Norway: Axel Stang, Henrik Rogstad, Jacob Hvinden Haug, Karl Marthinsen, Oliver Moystad, Persia: Ahmad Akghar, Ahmad Amir-Ahmadi, Fazlollah Zahedi, Gholamali Bayandor, Mahmud Aqa Ansari, Morteza Yazdanpanah, Reza Khan, Sayyed Hasan Taqizadeh, Poland: Konstanty Rokossowski, Wladyslaw Anders, Scotland: Hugh McDiarmid, John MacCormick, William Gallacher, Tibet: 14th Dalai Lama, Changra, Chao Kung, Dingja, Mndro, Ngapoi Ngawang Jigme, Nicholas Roerich, United States: Allen Dulles, Courtney Hicks Hodges, David M. Shoup, George S. Patton, George Windle Read Jr., Joseph Martin Jr., Malin Craig, William Halsey Jr., William Harriman, William Leahy, Uruguay: Csar Batlle Pacheco, Emilio Frugoni, Juan de Amezaga, Martn Echegoyen, scar Diego Gestido, Paulina Luisi, Xinjiang: Ma Shaowu, Sheng Shicai, Yang Zengxin, Els Segadors for Catalonia and Republican Spain, Fliegergeschwader Hindenburg for Germany, Wenn Ich Urlaub hab and Schwer mit den Schtzen des Orients beladen for German East Asia, Dinarka, Poles Bola I Ponosa, Idila, Istarska Suita and Laka Konjica for Illyria, Kansenkinmu and Teki wa iku Yorozu for Japan, 1831 Warszawianka and Marsz, Marsz Polonia for Poland, El Quinto Regimiento for Republican Spain, Fare Ye Well, Inniskilling and Killaloe March for Ulster, Improved some track names on the Spanish and Portuguese song lists, The Internationale in Irish (recorded for Kaiserreich), Superannuated Terrain map has been updated to modern standards, Redrew states in Austria Proper and fixed VP placement, Added a new state for Germany - Prussian Saxony, Greatly reduced the passable area in Greenland, Reformed Varanger Peninsula, Finnmark Plateau and north-eastern part of Nordland into new, Merged Southern Schleswig and Holstein into one state, Danish Belts have been moved to correct location to no longer allow Danes absolute control over Skagerrak and southern Norwegian coast, Removed the Guantanamo Bay state (replaced with a state modifier), Overhauled Germanys building slot distribution, Reworked the states in Northern Scandinavia to better fit the countries claims. Fixed the Legation Cities Tsingtau Collaboration, and other German-related national spirits staying around, after German East Asia has been defeated. Updated Argentinas foreign policy national focuses to account for puppets. Fixed CSA being able to delay Canada's intervention after it has already intervened. Renamed the Congo strategic region to Congo Basin. Fixed annexation missions for Bechuanaland and Zimbabwe not firing for Germany. The capture of Libreville will now ensure Gabon's capitulation. Switzerland's Georges Oltramare has been removed, and replaced with the more fitting Jakob Herzog. Tweaked Patagonian political and economical focuses, updating the effects, icons and tooltips. Fixed Lithuanias Wilhelm von Urach not showing up in Lithuania. Fixed Sichuan turning Federalist after being puppeted by the Left Kuomintang. Germany can no longer invite the Ottoman Empire to the Reichspakt, if the latter formed the Sarajevo Accords or Istanbul Pact. Fixed RKMT China's capital being reset by occupation. Added unique general traits to Qings generals displaying their alignments. Rafael Franco now becomes a general when he coups. Fixed missing ship names for the Commune of France. Removed the starting weapons stockpile from most countries. Added Anthem of the Whampoa Military Academy and Three Principles of the People for the Left Kuomintang. The child king of Ireland now has a more appropriate portrait for a man in his mid-30s, Irish elections and parties electable have been changed, Added some flavour events to the UoB and Ireland, Overhauled all British Isles annexations and partitions, Russian Britain is no longer possible, goodbye child king of Britain, Bulgaria reconciling with its Balkan neighbours now removes most of the negative opinion modifiers which were applied during the Balkan war, Greek surnames have now been split into male and female versions, Eroding an occupied Italian countrys legitimacy can now only be performed by an enemy Italian country or a non-Italian country which actually occupies one of its states. Socialist Burma no longer joins the Third Internationale, unless set to do so by the game rule. Removed the 5% for Netherlands to choose not to join the Reichspakt, if attacked by the Commune of France. Bulgaria no longer starts with military access to the Ottoman Empire. Removed Spain's ridiculously high surrender limits in the Spanish Civil War. Made some Switzerland terrain types more accurate. Fixed a Yunnan focus not accounting for the exiled Federalists, Fixed a wrong scope error in the UK files, Fixed and optimised a bunch of EGY-ETH rivalry events, increased AI CAN emphasis on suppressing Quebec, Fixed and improved the SAF-ENT peace deal, Riga now checks if it can actually declare war on Latvia in its focus, Canada can no longer get the Fate of New England, Fixed the spawns of the Romanian legionary volunteers, Belgium's AT ideas now give piercing boni instead, Yunnan's demand events now keep the original government when puppeting Hunan, MYS core is removed from Malabar Coast once the PRF revolt is done, Fixed an ANQ flag not being cleared and breaking the Conference event, Fixed a Greek focus not accounting for the Dodecanese and Cyprus, Fixed Edwin Barclay's portrait being overwritten by vanilla's, Fixed a broken failsafe in the LEP Move Quickly missions, Fixed GXC not being able to declare war on FNG, Fixed original United Front member countries leaving the alliance, Fixed a post-war CSA event firing mid-ACW, Some rebalancing of the MAF building slots. Reduced passive stability gain by half for the Ottomans. Added news events for Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Ireland, Mexico, Mittelafrika, Panama, Puerto Rico, Japan & White Ruthenia. Fixed Patagonia getting more than four ministers. Fixed tags not getting the correct custom autonomy level when released after annexation. You can no longer get the Iraqi neutrality buff if you join a faction. Fixed Norway turning PatAut after deposing Haakon. The base unit count now takes into consideration the number of owned states, and the industrialisation factor now works on an asymptotic curve. Added a missing railway construction bonus to a Centroamerican railway national focus. All American civil war participants now gain claims on Anglo-Canadian states, if they choose to annex Canada. Fixed Guangdong getting the wrong staff if Guangxi win the Civil War. Removed all Uruguayan event pictures featuring Adolf Hitler. Updated the mod for compatibility with 0.10.1 and Battle for the Bosporus. Fixed the Phalanstre's events giving factories in non-core states. Fixed Qing not getting the correct attack decisions. Fixed Transamur having their starting submarines spawn outside of their controlled area. Greece will no longer be automatically banned from ever joining a faction again, if they are successful in performing the Megali Idea. Changed "Infierno Verde" from Paraguay to Bolivia. Fixed Poland getting locked out of its foreign policy, if Austria goes the Military Occupation route. Removed the +3 volunteer bonus Canada gets from "The Looming War" national spirit, since supporting an ACW faction already gives them +2. The Intermarium will be disbanded if Ukraine chooses to become isolationist. Altered the shape of the Bulgarian/Ottoman border, and the course of the Maritsa river. Changed the Philippines map colour so it is no longer identical to the Dominican Republics. Austrias notification for the Wied assassination is now instant. Xinjiang may now be given to the Central Asian Federation, Updated AI factors for the conscription laws. The Chinese United Front faction has been reinstated, which can form if China is attacked by a foreign major. Nerfed Polands Cooperative Subsidies decision. Li Zongrens Lianguang can now only proclaim the Republic of China after completing the Political Tutelage national focus. Fixed Bulgaria keeping the German support idea after the Balkan War. Decreased the completion time for the Left Kuomintangs First National Elections national focus. Fixed Bike and Camel techs not being included in tech transfer. Fixed Pan Wenhua fleeing Sichuan in Industrial Corps victory. When Tripolitania revolts during the Levantine War it will join the Cairo Pact, and leave via event once the Ottomans fall. Fixed Germany-in-Exile creating puppets in German East Asian lands. Fixed a German national focus trying to build them a coastal bunker in a province they dont own. SocCon Poland will no longer be potentially granted postwar independence by Germany. The check for controlling all owned states no longer worries about control over impassable states, which could sometimes show as being controlled by someone else even outside of war. Fixed the Socialist Republic of Italy not attacking the Papal States, despite the Neosanfedisti rule being set. Fixed a broken Brazil national spirit swap. Minor tweaks to the Central East Africa events. Added decisions for Armenia to request Russian equipment. Added an event for the foundation of Russias Academy of Sciences. Fixed members of the Sarajevo Accord being unable to join the Vienna Circle. Russias national focus to attack Japan now adds wargoals instead of decisions, has a longer completion time, and will not be taken by the AI until Germany has been defeated. Fixed countries being able to avoid Black Monday, and potentially break their content, by the player not clicking the response button in the Black Monday event. Fixed Russian Socialist Republic liking Germany tag more than the German socialists, when sending volunteers. Added SocLib and PatAut paths for Lithuania, which were not included in the initial release. Standardised all L-KMT puppets to have the same map colour. Modified the effects of the Left Kuomintangs national focus to invade Taiwan. Fixed the restoration of the Federalist faction if Chen is betrayed by Zhang. Fixed Percy Stephenson not correctly becoming a country leader when elected in 1939. Fixed German East Asia having their navy taken by Germany twice. NFA should not be trying to place too many factories in Paris through decisions to avoid slot overflow. Removed the Accademia Militare Milano company for the Italian Republic. Fixed characters in Liangguang who were exiled from Sichuan or the Qing Government not joining the correct side in the Liangguang Civil War. Fixed Bulgaria annexing Thessaloniki without owning the surrounding states. PatAut White Ruthenia is now displayed as Generalgouvernement Minsk. Simplified a check for the American Union State. Overhauled the provinces, victory points, supply areas and air zones in Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia and Sudan. Socialist Netherlands now keeps its orange colour. Fixed the PatAut Radical Serbian game rule. Fixed LKMT's focus to attack Dutch East Indies and German East Asia. Updated several Ethiopian national spirit icons. Fixed Trieste, Trentino and South Tyrol becoming Italian colony states. Why do this? Ireland no longer starts with two duplicates of the same Destroyer. Fixed Poland getting the SocCon republic coup after already turning socialist. In addition, we are very pleased to give you one of our greatest performance improvements to date as a result of our new division limit and our totally rewritten annexation decisions; details for both can be found below. Fixed Russia guarding against a neutral Lithuania. Rio de Oro and Northern Finland are now impassable. Fixed Austria not joining the Reichspakt via its decision. Shandong should no longer declare war on Anqing when they both have Support of Fengtian, Serbia can no longer buy the HMS Lion without owning a port to put it in, The Neue Reformgruppe will no longer be locked out of their own tree, The South African Federation will no longer focus almost exclusively on its army tree before doing any other focuses. Japan now starts with a larger airforce, more similar to its vanilla equivalent. Fixed Tripolitania changing ideology as a puppet. Added a tooltip for Hunan clarifying what happens when they partially bow to Yunnan, instead of offering full submission. Fixed majors not improving their plane designs. The Indian states now receive a decision to attack either of the other two Indian factions if they are somehow already at war, but we are not yet ready to take an attack focus against them. Rebalanced starting party popularity in Argentina. P.S. Fixed Peru elections event not removing the previous ministers. Qings Gobulo Runqi no longer starts as a general. Fixed puppet Tibet getting the Dalai Lama. Russia will now disband the Moscow Accord upon capitulation. Fixed New Englands Norwich University national focus adding the wrong commander as the Armour Military High Command. Liberia no longer takes Dahomey from Mittelafrika. Adjusted the Russian annexation so that they always keep cores on their starting territory. Added several coloured tooltips as hints to the path-choosing events in Sichuan. Changed some national focuses which previously gave a wargoal, to now immediately declare war. Poland now is denied access into the Moscow Accord, if Russia is Expansionist. Roman Von Ungern-Sternberg now gets a new flag when he consolidates Mongolia. Fixed the sound effect for the Tocata event chain for NFA firing for every tag. Added a unique description and trait to Ahmed IV of the Ottoman Empire. Finland can no longer defeat Russia by just taking Petrograd. Canada can now experience strikes triggered by the CSA indefinitely, but each time it is done, its cost is increased by 20PP. Fixed Northern Ireland white-peacing with Ireland, causing a peace between the Entente and the Third Internationale - the peace can now no longer occur if Northern Ireland is in a faction. The Ottomans also need to have won the war in the Levant first. Altered Greeces AI so that it will better attempt to defend in Thessalonica. Fixed LEP being unable to get rid of KMT and ANQ unrest. Japan now has a larger build slot count, but must solve the land reform to access them. Added dynamic loc to the Belgian Adalbert's Dream focus. Changed Bohemias map colour to the previous Czechia map colour (only visible when not part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire). This part is about the new . Fixed Siam's Second in Commands not being moved after the civil war ends. Rebalanced the generic political decisions available to all countries. The Korean general Kim Hong-il now starts in exile in Yunnan. Fixed the revolter in the Lianguang Civil War getting a wargoal on itself. Fixed Indochina keeping a core on Samaburi despite losing one on Laos. Removed the Lost Momentum national spirit from the Lianguang Civil War. Fixed an event option lockout in military Centroamerica. Nehru no longer uses his description for the Bharatiya Commune if he is a leader in the Dominion of India. Updated event pictures for two Combined Syndicates events about Browder and Foster. Completing the Constitution of the Baltic Federation now gives a small flavor event for new elections. Twilight Struggle is now removed if the Internationale is defeated. Removed the Russian general Bronislav Kaminski. Characters. Transamur will now not join Japans economic sphere if they have a foreign policy game rule set. Siam now loses any unowned cores/claims if they surrender. Fixed the Socialist Republic of Italy voting for another faction in the Fifth Congress than what was chosen in the game rule. The Balkan War Exhaustion national spirit against Bulgaria is now slightly less punishing. Two Brazilian victory points have been adjusted to their correct location. Fixed Qings Pujie having Zaitao's description instead. JBS no longer puppets itself to a dead OTT. Merged the exonym/endonym renames, and news event toggles, into a single user interface, located where the old exonym/endonym button was placed.. Rebalanced the AIs default unit templates. Slovenia is now part of the Northern Balkans strategic region. Fixed images not appearing on some Qing events. Slight tweaks to Cyrenaica, who now tells other countries when they are being assisted by them. Fixed Denmark keeping an inappropriate national spirit upon being released as a puppet. Fixed puppet republic Denmark keeping monarchist national spirits, and vice versa. Fixed the Commune of France not being able to core Corsica. For Syria, the Aleppen wing of People's Party now increases SocLib popularity in other countries, rather than SocCon. Fixed the location of the Socialist Republic of Italys spawned supporters. Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia can now be released properly after one takes the decide what to do with each region option in the Indochina release event. Streamlined the Indochinese annexation events. Increased the AI weight for USA reunification with New England. Fixed Centroamerica being formable if all nations in Central America are independent, but on a non-Centroamerican faction. Slightly tweaked the timings of the Mittelafrikan revolts. Added a news event for a successful Fengtian reunification conference. Iceland also now leaves its old faction when joining a new one during the Cod War, Iceland can no longer do its resistance decisions once it has broken free. Added a unique description for the Yerevan state for the Ottomans. Fixed African state cores from Germanys decolonization event. Fixed Germanys Bring Back Order focus sometimes not giving the proper effect. Implemented a new state coring system for Siam. Fixed Romanias Great Game decision screen being available, despite Michael taking over. Fixed the Commune of France being able to use sabotage or development decisions on countries that dont exist. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vi3LO35TxQ, https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?threads/hoi4-husky-1-9-1-beta-hotfix-checksum-2628-not-for-problem-reports.1342931/, https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?threads/kaiserreich-download.1141575/, https://kaiserreich.fandom.com/wiki/Troubleshooting_the_HoI4_Launcher. CNT-FAI is now led by Buenaventura Durruti.

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hoi4 change ideology command kaiserreich