phan rang air base agent orange

TDY to Korat from Sept 72 until March 73 working on the Wild Weasels from McConnel. Thank you for all this great blog. But I found it. I saw it once just before I left. I was @ Don mong airforce base in 67 and 68. in communications. He was at Pearl Harbor, Saipan, Tinian, and Okinawa. In 2004-2005 conducted research and summited a report on the use of Agent Orange in Thailand to the U.S. House of Representatives Veterans Affairs Committee. Home | Veterans Affairs My husband was stationed at Ubon RTAF Im researching for my husband who was stationed at Camp America (officially may have been Camp Falong) 67-68. I am currently engaged in filing a claim with the VA for medical complications stemming from significant exposure to Agent Orange while stationed there. Served at Korat RTAFB from late January 68 til 17 November 68 . It was all dead. He passed in 2013. He never talked much about his time there but my mom remembers him telling her he was never more scared in his life than when he was stationed at Udorn. Thanks. Would anyone have a complete list of army or marine camps? Anybody stationed there? Most all of our sorties were at night, which left me time to explore during the day. [18][15] During the deployment, the squadrons aircraft used the callsign Magpie in recognition of the squadrons emblem. Most of the year I operated a loader on the mountain, loading trucks with fill dirt for the runways. Crew Chief on F-4. Anyone knew of a Ssgt. 800-829-4833, Veterans Crisis Line: Havent had any currently recognized AO related ailments. I wish he were still alive to see this. Installations and Facilities in Thailand by the 652nd Topographic Engineer Battalion. Corroboration might help. I do believe being on the ground in Saigon was key to my disabilities being approved at 100%, please dont give up, sometimes the VA is VERY DIFFICULT TO DEAL WITH, remember the squeaky wheel gets grease, DONT GIVE UP!!!! We finally have the government say we were exposed to Agent Orange. Luckily I actually had a hard copy of my travel pay ticket showing the transit route and signed by some ops Officer so I could collect my transit pay. I was sent to Camp Samae San from MACV HQ in 73, worked Logistical services at the Deep Water Port until the end of 74. I would love to hear from you. The reason they gave me was that I was there in peace time. Yeah -Right! I was stationed at NKP from Jan 71 to Jan 72. During my stay the C-123 aircraft that sprayed the base, landed and were located just a stones throw from our flight line. I was stationed at Takhli RTAFB in 72/73 and after 11 years of battling the VA I have been granted 100% disabled due to diabetes and severe poly neuropathy. I was working the morning that the EB66 crashed off the end of the runway, killing all aboard. First fueling B-52s on the East side, which meant driving the perimeter road, eating at the East side chow hall, than the West side, filling up our R-5 refueling trucks at the POL Tank Farm, that was next to the perimeter. I remember the Klong with its sickening smell. I all my research I have found that the US Air Force and the DOD kept this classified secret all this time to allow age to keep secret. My above comment forgot to mention my unit was with the 56th Field Maintenance Squadron (OPERATION RANCH HAND) NKP. The USAF units were the majority of American forces deployed in Thailand. I worked the Hot Pad just above this ramp and loaded C-130s on 5060. Stationed in 31st Field Hospital Korat 65-66. We could be more helpful to your search if you could provide us more information, such as; We were all exposed to agent orange but there is no way to substantially it because military records do not support us there or what we were doing. Thank you for your service! Later we found that Jacks father was Charlies commander when he was in the Air Force. The 652nd Topographic Engineer Battalion depicted the broad reach of American forces in Thailand, which can be seen below. Best of luck to those in pursuit of a fair settlement. The VA should be ashamed for the poor service they provide the veterans and also for working so hard to deny us these disability entitlements. I have really bad peripheral neuropathy, high blood pressure, and many other health issues. Click the .pdf icon on the left to open the Agent Orange Information. In September 1965 I moved the battalion to Phan Rang for Cam Ran Bay and we started the construction of the base. I was there in the security forces. A "real info processor." Note: Agent Orange barrels (behind post) were everywhere and often used as trashcans. In resonse to Dwight L Perkins Sr., who was with Red Horse Army constuction battalion at NKP, I can definitely confirm that your hooches were directly behind one of the towers where I was posted. I was stationed there 1970-71. 5 way bypass pass. 2.I dislike____RELYING_____too much on other people. Crisp..Thank you. I was stationed at Phu Mu, Thailand, 207th Signal Company from May 1966-March 1967. He was my brother. I am trying to help my dad. The team I arrived with had now departed for the States. I help veterans that served at Udorn RTAFB by providing them highly detailed official U.S. Government maps at the time, and high resolution aerial photos of the base, both of which I annotate with their specific DUTY Stations. I was a Recipricat Aircraft Engine Mechanic. The squadron returned to Australia in 1971, having been deployed overseas for a total of 13 years.[13]. I will never forget January 26, 1969 when the base perimeter was breached during a night time attack and the morning after. I was stationed at Utapao May 68 to Jan 69. To Lidia Seitz #300. I was at Udorn in 67. 1.9). An inventive mechanic spotted an unused Air Force generator down the line and confiscated it, painting it Army OD green. newsletters, photo collections, and remembrance lists for Phan Rang Air Base Im about to have my 6th surgery. Both organs had to be removed because of their advanced nature at the time of discovery I am in legacy appeal with a docket number. Another relevant source isa set of maps createdby Army Map Service that is titled Thailand 1:50,000, Series L708, Edition-1. I lost my husband, also a Vietnam vet, who served in Saigon and in Thailand, who for years ignored symptoms, playing ostrichwhen he felt lousy, which was about most of the time, hed say, its just my allergies. Phan Rang AB News No. Since then Ive had cancer , neuropathy in my feet and have had Asthma a number of years. Please email me with any info, also any contact inf on LT Col Dillard or Lt Garry urbanowitz. His name was Tsgt. Stationed at Takhli and Korat Thailand from May 1970 to May 1972. I have to prove that he was exposed to Agent Orange and Im not sure how to go about doing that. Viet Nam 1966 - Phan Rang | MilitaryImages.Net I knew where our fighters 299 now and bill S-1381 that have since been passed into law to help out my fellow vets, Was stationed at Camp Samae San Aug 73 to Oct 74 then Jan 75 till Jan 76, have my board hearing in 3 weeks,virtually, the first trip out of Travis flew nonstop to Saigon on chartered flight then after about 2 hours flew by C130 to UAFB. was it in 1965 or 1966?And how can I get a copy of that documentation. I think the same thing goes for Korat and the other bases in TAILAND. Neither edition of the map appears to be widely distributed in libraries. I was stationed at Ubon Air base July 1973 to July 1974. You are fully Have neuropathy in both feet. If anyone would have known him please reach out. My father Joe Burch was at Phan Rang from June 1967 to May 1968. Our area was not declassified till 2010. WHOs the right VA do I CONNECT. David DePodesta, a 69-year-old veteran who lost sight in his right eye due to enemy shrapnel while serving with the Marines in Vietnam in 1969, was fortunate that he did pay attention to the list as it grew. I have a list of the names and ranks of those assigned to Det 5 and my name is listed just above Parker, Marvin M. rank of Sgt. 2. This progressed to bladder cancer,2 brain tumors, and a epitheliod sarcoma on his leg. I dont remember landing in Vietnam. did so, told me that he would give it to the right person in that VA Mather Hospital,and and sure enough, forget how long, but I had a VA card with 10% disability in the mail , Later, filed again to increase VA % for hearing, got turned down for loss of hearing but OK for Tinitus (sp?). WOW!!!! I am a complete and totally disabled veteran for this experience. I was stationed at Korat at that time period. Does anyone know or did kno a person by the name of Dan or dannie f harrolle that was in the air force when he was in thialand. My husband also worked in Korat for about 9 months teaching at Korat Technical College. My husband served with the USAF from November 1966-October 1967 and was stationed at Takhli. They just do not want to part with the money. Near the entrance to the base are ruins of a Cham temple, reportedly built in the 12th Century. 1st signal brigade 442nd signal battalion company c. i would like to see a full recognition of our service as full vietnam war veterans, but i don,t think i will ever see it. 1971~1975 assigned in Bangkok worked on the JUSMAG compound in the Telecomunications center COMSEC/CRYPTO transmission and receipt of messages across all Military Commands we were located next to the switch board. Charles L. Hall. I was told my illness are not connected to the military. For those stationed in Thailand, the VA rules state you must have been within 500 meters of the perimeters to qualify for exposure to AO. They will guide you on the process. I was stationed at Korat RTAB 68/69. Iv been trying to get VA benefits for myself since my husband has passed away 2 1/2 years go.VA has repeatedly denied me. The cement barracks and the hospital were also in that area. He died recently from cancer. Nickname Burned out Bob. Heart attack and by-pass in 1999,Gaul Bladder removal,Prostate cancer,Rheumatoid Arthritis,two operations for blocked arteries in leg,Cysts in groin. Any one in Udorn around 1971? I would love to hear from anyone who was there at either place during those years. also in Thai Land for LINEBACKER II.during that time frame for the Year. I cant provide a lot of information. There are numerous facebook groups that can help with the dna results and matching. I contacted the VA over a year ago about a ID card and possible benefits. Location is on the beach at Bangsaray Sare (also spelled Bang Saray). we lived in tents, waited for rain to shower and ate c-rats until the seabees came. DPAA plans to return to the sight in 2021. I was TDY to Utapoa NKP Tahki 72-73. I am going to see a kidney specialist in June to see if they are going to take one of my kidneys are put me on dialysis or both if anyone has proof of agent orange at this location please let me know. Looking for any info on when the 354 th TFS was there at that time to prove boots on the ground.

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phan rang air base agent orange