imperial light freighter

Class four container transport Combat Shield Generators-50% capacity bow, port and starboard, 25% capacity ventral, dorsal and stern (Mid/Late Imperial Era). The Gozanti also had a loading elevator on the bottom near the nose and docking ports to the side near the cockpit section. Carrier The Light Imperial Freighter or ISF For short is a small Freighter Around 15 meters In length, 10 meters in height, and 20 meters in width. That is why all people at Imperial are well selected, trained and prepared. [27] Following the Battle of Yavin, Imperial officers Ciena Ree and Berisse Sai were ordered to take a Gozanti to recover Lord Vader. This List of Japanese Naval ships and war vessels in World War IIis a list of seafaring vessels of the Imperial Japanese Navy of World War II. This carrier, christened the Phoenix Nest, was then used as a mobile fighter base and flagship forPhoenix Squadron. Consumables As a family owned and operated business, we care about building long term relationships and are dedicated to our clients and their success. However, the Ghost Crew stole the carrier for the Rebellion with the help of Cham Syndulla and the Free Ryloth Movement. Production Information Role(s) An extensively modified Corellian light freighter, the Millennium Falcon is a legend in smuggler circles and is coveted by many for being the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy. Starship. Whilst the inquisition are able to requisition the ships of other Imperial organisations, they also maintain vessels of their own. Top manufacturers include FRUEHAUF. Return of the Jedi: Beware the Power of the Dark Side! Affiliation Tailored lighting solutions We produce standard and bespoke lighting. Though it was slower, smaller, and less durable than the Light Corvette or the Guardian-class light cruiser from Sienar Fleet Systems, it required a smaller crew, and its six heavy laser cannons had significantly greater firepower at short range. The clamps also doubled as boarding chutes between the transport and any vehicle they carried. Crew Role(s) The small but formidable warship is also capable of launching fighter craft. r/Star_Wars_Maps Kestrel-class Light Cruiser [26x36] r/XWingTMG . Usage Model: We design and produce terrain we play with for sci fi themed games like Star Wars Legion, Infinity, 40k and more. The starship Ghost arrived and launched its shuttle, piloted by former Jedi Kanan Jarrus, to distract the convoy's TIE escorts. ago. The Imperial Fleet is controlled by the Adeptus Terra and includes almost every ship in the Imperium. MasterBon17 4 mo. [8], The young-readers book Star Wars Rebels: Head to Head, written by Pablo Hidalgo and featuring various match-ups from the series, placed an Imperial Gozanti cruiser against an Auzituck anti-slaver gunship, with the gunship damaging the cruiser and escaping.[32]. Imperial as a loyal partner will be happy to support you in any of your projects. Lightly armed for self-defense, the Wayfarer class would remain in operation during both the Imperium and Hegemony eras, steadily upgraded as technology improved. Flown by Twi'lek captain Hera Syndulla, the ship and its crew took part in dozens of missions aimed at undermining Imperial rule. Contents 1 Characteristics 2 History 2.1 Imperial cruisers Imperial Gozanti-class cruisers remained in use during the Cold War on into the First Order-Resistance War. An additional concern of the Imperial Moot was that such massive hulls were highly efficient in large-scale civilian logistics, but smaller colony worlds would have one of these large ships in orbit twice a year-at best-and this was incredibly risky. Read more Jan. 05, 2019 . Flown by Twi'lek captain Hera Syndulla, the ship and its crew took part in dozens of missions aimed at undermining Imperial rule. Affiliation: Complement Class View all posts by An Author In Charge, Your email address will not be published. The cigar business requires much care in the handling and treatment of the product and Imperial Freight Brokers ensures these needs are met. The First Order employed sympathizers that piloted these older Imperial-era ships in patrol and surveillance operations. Era: Imperial Canon: Yes Name: Corellian Engineering Corporation VCX-100 light freighter Scale: Starfighter Length: 43.9 meters Width: 34.2 meters Height/depth: 14.5 meters Skill: Space Transports - VCX-100 light freighter Crew: 1 (Gunners:2) Crew Skill: varies Passengers: 6 Consumables: 1 Month Cargo Capacity: 180 Tonnes The XS Freighter is a stock light freighter ship created by the Corellian Engineering Corporation. This means that if a trooper wanted to, they could enter the ship-if there was any room-and travel with it. The Hauler's most notable drawback is that it is only slightly less expensive than the Adder, which can carry more cargo than the Hauler while also being capable of . Width Light freighters were a type of freighter used during the final days of the Galactic Republic[1] and during the rule of the Galactic Empire. Parts of this article are no longer up to date. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. HT-2200 medium freighter. The cruiser was used in the action at Mustafar, a rescue attempt by the Spectres to save Kanan, who had been captured by Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, and was being interrogated on his Star Destroyer, the Sovereign, in orbit above Mustafar. These ships were fairly common in the galaxy, being used to transport all sorts of goods (legal and otherwise) to and from worlds such as Naboo,[5] Coruscant,[1] and Kessel. League of Blackships - consisting of a substantial fleet charged with collecting and transporting psykers from across the galaxy to Terra. Star Wars Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles, Every Type of Ship in Rebels | Star Wars By the Numbers. (unnamed) Delta-7 Aethersprite. Star Wars Rebels Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Usage Its modular storage compartments made it ideal for housing and deploying starfighters. The content you were about to view is not suitable for minors. The Imperial Customs Frigate was one of the main vessels used by the Imperial Customs Office's patrols. It was destroyed by the Imperial fleet as the Empire retook it's sacred training and burial world. 1,025 kph[5] The Wayfarer-class would see service for over five hundred years, being built in nine separate flights. And for this reason Imperial posses its own construction department and photometric laboratory. Increase lighting efficiency and manage buildings and the urban environment in an environmentally friendly way. About 66 feet (20 meters) long, this relatively little guy packs a punch thanks to cannons, hyperdrive and a host of famous users, from Darth Vader to Luke . Category page. Galactic EmpireNew RepublicPirates House of Tagge merchant ship. [3], The Class four transport was piloted by two pilots seated in a tandem cockpit station, Every Imperial cargo ship required the presence of an inventory droid to track and monitor all the goods to ensure it was organized and safely arrived at its destination on time. Technical specifications Later versions of the hull-starting with retrofits of the class in the Flight V and beyond-would be capable of 200Gs of acceleration and 4LY/day in slipspace. Also, inventory droids were tasked with logging every item and crew member of the transport and in addition were able to view the Imperial data network. Complete Omnibus Collection. However, the cloaked figure seemed unaware of Ben's presence; his attention focused solely on the young woman collapsed on the ground. [4] The ships could fit in the main hangar of a Separatist supply ship. 2 pilots[3] [3] The Millennium Falcon, a smuggling ship owned by Han Solo that later became part of the Rebel Alliance, was a YT-1300 light freighter. Imperial Customs Frigate Class Frigate Technical specifications Length 35 meters Maximum atmospheric speed 850 kmh Hyperdrive rating Class 2 (primary) Class 8 (backup) Hyperdrive system Equipped Shielding Equipped Navigation system Navigation computer Armament Heavy laser cannons (6; turret mounted) Crew Crew (6) Gunners (6) Minimum crew 3 Imperial OfficersStormtroopersTIE Pilots Crew imperial light freightermarc d'amelio house address. Sometimes during Roark Garnet's captaincy, the Dorion Discus freighter caught the attention of the Customs Frigate Assessor. 2023 Imperial Freight Brokers, Inc. All Rights Reserved. They were armed with both a dorsal twin laser cannon and a ventral heavy laser cannon. The Discus disobeyed the shut down order and tried to escape. Excellent shields, great top speed of 232 m/s with upgrades, and plenty of hardpoints for weapons. The hull would be licensed to a number of shipyards and the Imperial Navy and Courier Service would establish a Taken Up From Trade program where easy-to-acquire loans and grants would be provided to small shipowners that were willing to work semi-regular routes and demonstrate that they could ensure that the ships were kept up to minimum standards. Other systems supply chain remain stable and therefore we will be able to fulfill all of your orders. 35 meters[1] Affiliation This included-. This mod contains three versions of the light freighter frame. [2], In addition to its sublight drives,[2] the Imperial class 4 cargo ship[7] was equipped with a hyperdrive, which allowed it to travel through hyperspace. Contents 1 Battleships 2 Cruisers 2.1 Grand Cruisers 2.2 Battle Cruisers 2.3 Cruisers 2.4 Light Cruisers 3 Escorts 3.1 Heavy Frigates 3.2 Frigates 3.3 Corvettes 3.4 Destroyers 4 Attack Craft 5 Transports 6 Other Spacecraft The YT-1300 Light Freighter is one of the most successful designs in the history of the Corellian Engineering Corporation. The Imperial Gozanti-class cruiser[2] was a 64-meter-long starship that[4] served as a light cruiser. He led a small rebel cell known as Iron Squadron, which conducted a low-intensity guerrilla campaign against the Imperial presence on Mykapo. Hyperdrive rating This page is about the Imperial Gozanti-class Cruiser. While the cargo-to-transport ratio may seem inefficient, these light freighters are capable of entering hyperspace, making them optimal for small and quick deliveries. Later, the Falcon saw action in the Cold War. When the Sith Empire, destroyed at the conclusion of the Great Hyperspace War, returned to Republic space, at least one of these Defender-class corvette was patrolling the planet. Then you have to travel to 4 or 5 different systems and on your 5th system, one will spawn. Equipped[4] The Wayfarer -class light freighter was built as a multi-mission freighter hull for the Imperial Army, Navy, and Marine Corps. Herald-class shuttle. The Wayfarer-class would be built to handle these issues, based around several engineering factors such as an easily adaptable hull, minimum 160G acceleration and 3LY/day slipspace speeds, point-defense and light missiles for defense against raiders and pirates, and the ability to rapidly unload 2,000 TEU cargo loads on rough landing areas. While the cargo-to-transport ratio may seem inefficient, these light freighters are capable of entering hyperspace, making them optimal for small and quick deliveries. 233 meters[1] -and a number of additional configurations based upon customer and mission needs. See how the Corellian Engineering Corporation creation the. Content approaching. Passengers HHG-42 Bulkstar. Class four container transports, also called a class four freighter, Imperial Class 4 Cargo Ship or more simply as an Imperial cargo ship, were tetrahedral, hyperspace-capable, bulk freighters built by Kuat Drive Yards and used by the Galactic Empire to haul large numbers of crates and containers across the galaxy. [4], Some Imperial Gozanti-class cruisers, such as the Vector, featured red markings. STL-2C Heavy Freighter Superlift Ore Hauler T T-2 Dysara-class Freighter Trader-class Fast Clipper Triumph Light Freighter V Vanir-class Bulk Freighter VCX-820 Escort Freighter Veiled Bedlam X Xi-class Courier Y YL Series YL-510 Light Freighter Category:YL-510's YT-700 Transport YT-1210 Light Freighter YT-1300 Light Freighter Category:YT-1300's Armament [4] For security purposes, Imperial cargo ships had stormtroopers and a security complement of at least five DT-series sentry droids. Imperial Department of Military Research Galaxy Gun Imperial Department of Military Research World Devastator Imperial IV Star Destroyer Imperial Star Destroyer (revised) . 3 months[1] They range from anything as small as a starfighter or personal transport of similar size. Production information Only around a hundred of these were produced due to their high cost and skill needed to pilot such a ship. [Source]. The page that you are trying to access contains adult content, which may not be suited for minors. Manufacturer [1] After graduating from the Royal Imperial Academy, Lieutenant Thrawn and Ensign Eli Vanto were stationed aboard the Blood Crow, an Imperial Gozanti-class cruiser under the command of Rik Virgilio. Smuggler. Weapons: The cigar business requires much care in the handling and treatment of the product and Imperial Freight Brokers ensures these needs are met. Global commerce never stops. This ship is one of the larger options that players can receive out of the bunch, able to hold up to 15 crewmen. Page 1 of 2. Moreover, [1a] From these worlds the fleets are organised and sent to guard the various sectors and subsectors of that region. Our component warehouse and [31] The freighters were present alongside Death Squadron during the Battle of Hoth, where they deployed walkers during the battle.[31]. Maximum atmospheric speed [6] The cargo of the transport could be accessed from the inside through at least one entry and exit point between the cargo and the vessel. Technical Specifications Been awhile since I did it. 8 20mm xaser cannons with double-bounce gravity mirrors in independent casemate mounts. Freighter[4]Patrol vessel[3] The lead freighter attempted to flee back into hyperspace, but was destroyed by the Ghost. Helix-class light interceptor. You may be looking for the Imperial Cargo Ship, also known as an Imperial Freighter The Imperial Freighter was a type of Gozanti-class cruiser used by the Galactic Empire. Endangered, Part 1, Endangered, Part 2, Star Wars: The Bad Batch "Spoils of War", Star Wars: The Bad Batch "Ruins of War"class. It was also armed, boasting one top-mounted double-barrelled turbolaser battery and two side-mounted laser turrets. Crew Complement: Wondering where the Imperial starfighters had come from, Solo speculated that there must be a Gozanti-class cruiser nearby. Rendili StarDrive[1]Illegal shipyards Quasar Fire-class Cruiser-Carrier Star Wars X-Wing YT-2400 Light Freighter Fantasy Flight Games-1st Edition 1 of 2 Only 1 left 4 watchers Star Wars X-Wing YT-2400 Light Freighter Fantasy Flight Games-1st Edition 2 2 of 2 See More See Details on eBay available at A YT-1300 light freighter can reach speeds of around the speed of an X-Wing, which means that if a pilot like Rey would choose the quadjumper first, the quadjumper is faster. Consumables Once the improvements have been completed, you may remove this notice and the page's listing. Hauling cargo crates and containers[4] They were manufactured by the Corellian Engineering Corporation. The combined merchant fleets compose almost 90% of all the interstellar spacecraft in the Imperium. Class It is requested that this article, or a section of this article, be expanded. Imperial Light Freighter by Neckhorse. Frigate In order to do so, Chopper managed to trap the stormtroopers serving aboard the ship in the freight assembly, before jettisoning the soldiers along with the containers. 41. 100 metric tons[1] "The XS stock light freighter was a model of freighter used mostly by smugglers during the Great Galactic War and its resultant Cold War. ECM: AN/SL(Q)-52 Electronic Warfare Array, with spike and strobe jammer options (Mid/Late Imperial Era), AL/SN(Q)-58 Electronic Warfare Array, with spike and strobe jammer options (Hegemony Era). . Our experience and problem-solving capabilities can make a difference. you, that despite international concern, we continue our business as normal. The Empire Strikes Back: So You Want to Be a Jedi? Top manufacturers include MAS TRAILERS. Please read carefully the. Browse our inventory of new and used Trailers For Sale In Iowa at It also had a Sheild Generator that could stay strong if a single Proton Torpedo hit, as well as a 1.5 Hyperspace unit. HCT-2001 Dragonboat-class Reugeot 905 freighter. Armament Bulk freighter[2] Top manufacturers include EAST. Note that we take no responsibility for any content if you decide to proceed to this page as a minor. [7] The same year, several Gozanti freighters took part in the Imperial blockade of Ibaar. The large, ventral, double dish radar was abandoned in favor of docking struts for the ship's complement. The XS Stock light freighter is the Starship available to players of the Smuggler class. They managed to restart the ship and steal a cargo of proton bombs and treasures. Light freighter Cost 200,000 Technical specifications Length 31 meters Width 29 meters Height/depth 7 meters Maximum speed (atmosphere) 800 km/h Hyperdrive rating Class 1 Backup Class 4 Shielding 248 SBD Hull 102 RU Navigation system Equipped Armament Laser cannon turrets (2) Crew Pilot (1) Co-pilot ( Minimum crew 1 Passengers 6 Cargo capacity [7] Lux Bonteri used XS stock light freighters to deploy Onderonian rebels into battle. Hauler hardpoint convergence. The Kraken heavy freighter. Artemio Ricarte y Garca (October 20, 1866 - July 31, 1945) was a Filipino general during the Philippine Revolution and the Philippine-American War.He is regarded as the Father of the Philippine Army, and the first Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (March 22, 1897- January 22, 1899) though the present Philippine Army descended from the American-allied forces that . Manufactured by the Corellian Engineering Corporation in 60 BBY, the light freighter was first owned by Corell Industries Limited and underwent several name changes before being bought by the smugglers Kal and Dova Brigger in 48 BBY, and the ship eventually ended up as the property of the secretive Republic Group under the name Stellar Envoy by

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imperial light freighter