counterintuitive examples in science

Examples of Counterintuitive in a sentence. Here are just a few of those craziest facts out there! But in social and personality psychology we study phenomena that regular people reflect on and speculate about too. To reach their conclusions, the team carried out a life cycle analysis of five types of bags to evaluate the environmental impacts associated with their production, distribution, transportation, waste collection, treatment, and end-of-life disposal. We find two distinct sets of thermoelectric property (TEP) curves, where one set of TEPs has higher ZT curves over the whole operating temperature range, but its maximum conversion efficiency is smaller than that of the other set. The Aztecs slaughtered tens of thousands of people to inaugurate the Great Pyramid of Tenochtitlan; after sacredMayan ballgames, the losing team was sometimes sacrificed. Like hot water freezing faster than cold. . The world will end in a whimper. What is another word for counterintuitive? counterintuitive. Honestly, take a moment to consider what the natural environment and current technologies are capable of. Our personal epistemology (philosophy of knowledge) is often based on intuition, which can be mistaken. Every once in a while, a dolt drops a gem. Thinning and prescribed fire treatments reduce tree mortality ( Thats what scientists (both professional and citizen scientists) ought to be doing. The purpose of this study was to develop a theoretical model for the use of counterintuitive examples in the introductory non-calculus-based statistics course at the college level. Something that came up in another thread, the Mpemba effect i.e. In order to enjoy things you always need to think about the negative side of them. This can push students into a seeking explanation mode, setting the stage for discovery. Since water expands when it freezes, bodies of water freeze from the top-down, not bottom-up, allowing for life to survive and flourish under the ice. When treating someone badly makes him like you more instead of less, this is an example of something that is counterintuitive. 'Skydiving' is a pastime and while the main event is 'jumping out of a perfectly good aeroplane' it also includes the bit where you and some friends sit around on the ground and decide to charter that very plane. It's like trying to plunge your hand into a (hypothetical) fluid in liquid state and one that is starting to freeze and get denser. Counterintuitive claim: Prices are determined by supply and demand. Logic is generally used to reach a conclusion using the most accurate and testable route. (of an idea, proposal, etc) seemingly contrary to common sense. Science seems to always challenge our intuitive understanding of the world. The concept of extinction took a while to sink in. Science is amazing. There have been mass extinctions in the past, and were probably in one now. Charles Darwinstarted life as a creationistand only gradually came to realize the significance of the variation he observed in his travels aboard theBeagle. When we heard that Barack Obama had chosen to sleep on his decision to authorize the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, we were pleasantly . Its hard to tell fact from fiction when it comes to this particularly gruesome custom. Was the double-slit experiment counterintuitive? In the stock market, if you buy and stock for $50 and it goes up to $75 you make 50%. But if, after the experiment, you go back and erase the information about which slit each photon went through, then the interference pattern magically appears on the screen. Posts should be pertinent, meme-free, and generate a discussion about physics. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. If something is counterintuitive it means it's the opposite of intuitive in other words it's not easily understood in an instinctive, unconscious way. Are some things just better left unknown? Maybe; maybe not. This is the so-called Simpson's . And just generally weird stuff that you know of. ARTICLES SCIENCE 16 FACTS THAT ARE JUST PLAIN COUNTERINTUITIVE 16 Facts That Are Just Plain Counterintuitive. The paper in the Journal of Dairy Science says that Research was supported by Dairy Management Inc. (Rosemont, IL) and asserts that The authors have not stated any conflicts of interest. What does that mean? Patients who received tirzepatide in a recent clinical study lost more than 20% of their body weight (52 pounds, or 23.6 kg). By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. For present purposes, suffice it to say that he believes some of the scientists pushing mandatory face masks overlooked some relevant factors. The gauge shift comes from the particle looping around a topological defect (the magnetic field threading the plane, effectively making the space into a punctured plane), in effect changes the topological quantum number (electric/magnetic charge) of the particle, since the punctured plane is not homotopically trivial. Scripture said that the Sun revolved around the Earth, and the Holy Office of the Inquisition found Galileo guilty of heresy for saying otherwise. Explanations may be beyond most at age 1114, but the experiments can still be fun. Bad news that cult recovery group just might be a cult. It is because that 2-Points and 3-Points have different weights in the two players' stats, so a direct comparison cannot be made. A recent accumulation of archaeological findings from around the world shows that it was surprisingly common for people to ritually killand sometimes eatother people. Truly brilliant examples from mathematics about why repeated confirmations don't constitute proofs: The Most Misleading Patterns in Mathematics This is your Brain on Psychology This is your Psychology on Brain (a guest post by RobChavez), Data analysis is thinking, data analysis istheorizing. This article and paper from the USDA Forest Service argues that wildfires and droughts have always been a part of California ecology, and that prescribed burns and forest thinning are best for preventing bark beetle damage that contributes to out-of-control fires. Pouring over further portions of cold water causes repeated re-boiling while the temperature gradually drops to around 30oC, or even lower. So true! Ever since the late 19th century, physicists have known about a counterintuitive property of some electric circuits called negative resistance. That seems pretty simple and counterintuitive. Seeing your assumptions of physical reactions are wrong by watching a golf ball hit a wall at 1000 frames per second and watching it compress and ripple is powerful. In 1948, the Framingham Heart Study enrolled more than 5,000 residents of Framingham, Massachusetts, to participate in a long-term study of risk factors for heart disease. An oldie but a goodie: the fact that a pendulum's period of oscillation is independent of the mass hanging from it. Normally things contract, which makes intuitive sense. The Big Bang was a quantum event and the universe at one time was as tiny as a quantum particle. A look at a few examples of counter-intuitive conclusions will illustrate these problems. Somehow, gum made out of tree bark is still softer than Bazooka. 1, The weight of a BPA is given by the BPAs of the other evidence.In Fig. Invert the flask, so the thermometer bulb is in the hot water. And the hot water freezing faster than cold water isn't a real effect. MiigPT 7 yr. ago. 12 Essential Life Tips That Are Counterintuitive But True. Knowing these can help us make the right choices to get the results we want. Since it is necessary to keep heating in order to turn the solid into liquid or liquid into vapour, they assume the temperature must keep rising during the change of state. Test your knowledge - and maybe learn something along the way. Some of the effects seen with superfluid liquid helium, but particularly the way that it can climb up out of a cup and drain down the sides. Source: Clari Massimiliano / The temperature drops as expected, but the water unexpectedly boils again for a while. It's a macroscopic effect of quantum mechanics. Learn something new, even if it's stressful. You have to act in the short amount of time after crossing the slit and before impacting the screen. Please report trolls and incorrect/misleading comments. Cookie Settings, Kids Start Forgetting Early Childhood Around Age 7, Archaeologists Discover Wooden Spikes Described by Julius Caesar, Artificial Sweetener Tied to Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke, Study Finds, 5,000-Year-Old Tavern With Food Still Inside Discovered in Iraq, The Surprisingly Scientific Roots of Monkey Bars. * What gives you instant joy is almost always harmful i. Answer (1 of 13): The world is hardly what it appears to be. Intuitively you would expect that the electrical resistance of a material would decrease as you decrease the temperature. The more often you see a person or an object, the more youll like it. When Copernicus proposed that the Earth and other planets instead orbit the Sun, his contemporaries found his massive logical leap patently absurd, says Owen Gingerich of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Many interesting behind-the-scenes bits have happened during the 20 years of telling tales about our favorite trailer-park residents. Since QM and even the two items you mentioned seem to be beyond them, you could try the culinary route. Yet many psychological studies have reported findings that are absolutely counterintuitive and that seem illogical. Can you take vitamins while fasting for autophagy? For example, with 1,000 variables, there are almost half a million (1,000x999/2) potential pairs of variables that might appear correlated by pure chance alone. Now I wonder what my intuitions are about the meaning of the word counterintuitive, and what sort of information about the way the word is used might contradict those intuitions. I tend to think of intuitions as thoughts that pop into our heads as the result of conditioned reflexes, even if that conditioning is part of scientific training. When treating someone badly makes him like you more instead of less, this is an example of something that is counterintuitive. Contrary to most students expectations, the temperature will drop. Counterintuitive. Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Testing hypotheses by experiment is supposed to be the hallmark of science. The thermometer scale from about 20oC upwards must be visible above the bung, so a long thermometer may be better. Wtf is going on down there!? But when the stock goes back down to $50, you only lose 33%. There's that Galileo who said heavy things don't fall faster than light things. ~45 kJ/mol vs ~.08 kJ/molK (~8 kJ/mol to get from boiling point to freezing point at STP). He used a telescope to provide evidence for the heliocentric theory, and some of his contemporaries were so disturbed by what the new invention revealedcraters on a supposedly perfectly spherical moon, other moons circling Jupiterthat they refused to look through the device. Simine Vazire has a great post contemplating how we should evaluate counterintuitive claims. Hospitals are infested with antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus bacteria that can turn a small cut into a limb- or life-threatening infection. This is a "necessary evil" that is not considered controversial in the . You can pay the farmer, or you can pay the doctor. I guess I never really thought about the first one, but it is really weird. PBS space time on the quantum eraser Then you are doing classical field theory and are trying to find a first order equation and out pops spinors and the clifford algebra in a completely classical scenario. One can win or lose for the wrong reason. If you were to drop another earth on itself it would appear to accelerate towards earth at 19.6 m/s2. and mturk didnt exist.) 10. What are Halloween costume masks made from? It's the standout example from the study of risk factors(specifically risk compensation) and works mostly because the audience isn't looking at the whole meaning of the word 'skydiving'. A counterintuitive proposition is one that does not seem likely to be true when assessed using intuition or gut feelings.. Scientifically discovered, objective truths are often called counterintuitive when intuition, emotions, and other cognitive processes outside of deductive rationality interpret them to be wrong. Self-knowledge / self-deception is probably another one of those areas where the relationship between research findings and peoples intuitions has deeper, substantive significance. When the Coen Brothers needed someone to show The Dude how to really roll, they could turn to only one man: Hall of Fame professional bowler Barry Asher, Below you, an entire other world operates. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. In a taste test, youre likely to have a strong preference for the first sample you tasteeven if all of the samples are identical. Once all the liquid has frozen, no more energy is released, so continued cooling with iced water causes the temperature to start falling again. To many people it appears counterintuitive that eating more meals can help trigger weight loss. The ability to appreciate and understand nature is just the sort of thing that is supposed to make us special, but instead it allowed us to realize that were merely a recent variation on the primate body plan. 2, the fused probability assignment for any proposition is obtained by multiplying the BPAs supporting that proposition by their weights and . But being counterintuitive for counterintuitives sake? IE throughout learning undergraduate quantum mechanics you hear "spin is a completely quantum mechanical phenomenon that doesn't exist outside of quantum mechanics." Self-Sabotage - yourself when you find yourself mired in complacency. Continue boiling for at least 30 seconds while a student confirms that the thermometer reads about 100oC as expected. Learn more. Trying to argue that the different numerals represent the same number is allowed, but you need a reason to make that argument beyond "It leads to a nice, counter-intuitive result" and that makes . Third year of physics, and the first time I heard that, it boggled my mind, still kinda does, but I'm more used to it now. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. King Solomon, who could be considered an early scientist because of his powers of observation and analysis of natural phenomena like plants, beasts, birds, reptiles and fish (I Kings 4:33) and of geophysical cycles (Ecclesiastes 1:5-7), urged youth to gain knowledge, but to build it on the foundation of wisdom. At room temperature, the thiosulfate is a supercooled liquid it is below its freezing point, but has remained liquid. While intuition and misconceptions continue to be of great interest to mathematics and science educators, there has been little research, much less consensus or even internal consistency, in statistics curriculum development concerning the role of examples with counterintuitive . Cookie Policy It leaves little room in the public consciousness for social scientific work that is incremental, for work that shores up and teases apart, for work that complicates, for work on the boundary conditionsthose fragile social and mental habitats upon which decisions turn. After the fact. we of course used these results to show how counterintuitive our actual results were. Clamp the tube in a beaker of ice and water. Counterintuitive is one reason. In any science, though, you have areas of inquiry where there is not an existing theory that makes precise predictions. But they have not been informed of a long path of logical inference that tells us much more about the wall then our macroscopic senses do on a daily basis. Half fill a funnel with small ice cubes or crushed ice. But other human foiblesthe desire to be accepted, time pressure, conflicts of interest (e.g., expectations of funding sources), interfere and can compromise that ideal. The counterintuitive has its place. It is now salt water, which has a lower freezing point than fresh water. Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Here are ten of the biggest threats to our . Attributing any disaster to a century-long trend is very hard to prove. For example, let's say a company invested in IoT systems to gain an edge in data-driven insights. Bond formation releases energy, counteracting the energy removed by the iced water. They are also found in reusable hand-warmers these use supercooling to store heat for later use. Here are 13 counterintuitive business truths I've come to know, even if I can't exactly explain why they make sense. Cultures as diverse as the Babylonians, Han Dynasty China, and the Maya each developed sophisticated belief systems and mathematics to divine the purported influence of the planets and stars on people's personalities and events on Earth ( Boxer, 2020 ). We are often fooled by the appearance and we miss the essence. They can also reinforce enthalpy changes, and bond breaking or making, for ages 1618. that warm water will freeze faster than cold water. Beyond a certain threshold of intelligence and skill, the efficacy bottlenecks quickly become your ability to communicate, get along with others, prioritize, focus, structure your thinking in advance, manage your time well, etc. What does it mean when your boyfriend takes long to reply? The basic premise is this. When we were in school, we always thought that we were pretty smart kids. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Like everything you do just doesn't seem to work out? See more. A heavier object does fall faster. Check out these facts that are just plain counterintuitive - you'll be surprised at some of the things people do every day! Conclusion. Whereas the exceptions tend to have a narrower list of plausible explanations. Intelligence and skill level are subject to diminishing returns. Its an adaptation of the traditional dual slit experiment (which in itself is a serious mindfuck) that really drives home just how messed up quantum entanglement really is. Ritual sacrifice is described in the Bible, Greek mythology and the Norse sagas, and the Romans accused many of the people they conquered of engaging in ritual sacrifice, but the evidence was thin. Quote from: thelatinist on September 28, 2011, 10:31:22 AM, Quote from: Chew on September 28, 2011, 09:49:10 AM, Quote from: Turbonegro on September 28, 2011, 07:45:31 AM, Quote from: Will Nitschke on September 28, 2011, 06:34:28 PM, Member: League of Extraordinarily Evil Gentlemen, Sci Fi Geek, fencer, free thinker, dog friendly. All the good ones! Terms of Use The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Counterintuitive, right? Our finding highlights the mathematical inexactness of ZT . There are no "machine values.". Something that is counter-intuitive does not happen in the way you would expect it to: 2. The Earth is not the center of the universe. If you were an ancient Egyptian pharaoh, youd have your servants slaughtered and buried adjacent to your tomb. Nature: The anus is a sophisticated organ. Definition of Counterintuitive. A red light for go and a green light for stop would be highly counterintuitive, for example. Edit: for more information check out Schwarz's Quantum Field Theory and Topology. To offset the emission equivalent to equal that of the creation of one single-use plastic bag, a reusable plastic bag would need to be reused four times. For me that brings up the question: what do we mean when we say something is counterintuitive?. The intuitive part points to the fact that when we label something counterintuitive, we are usually not talking about contradicting a formal, well-specified theory. Do you ever feel like the world is against you? "3 out of 2 Americans do not understand statistics." First of all, you need to understand what does counterintuitive mean. Dont trust your intuitions. If you are willing to push through a bit of added stress in the short term . For the general public that have not had the opportunity to be exposed to the process of science, one of the most counterintuitive things is this: Logic and Common Sense are not the same thing. (Very long termthe study is now enrolling the grandchildren of the original volunteers.) Of course, it does not have to be that way. Sunny days make people happier and more helpful. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Adding more salt will cause more melting, and the temperature will drop further. Here are four of the more surprising habits that, according to contemporary researchers, the most effective leaders typically share. Why does salt cause the ice to melt? Advanced students should also realise that solvation of the ions releases energy, but less than the input needed to break down the ice and salt lattices. But in social and personality psychology we studyphenomena that regular peoplereflect on and speculate about too. The reduced pressure below the piston allows the atmospheric pressure above it to push it back down. undergraduate science education course with their teaching practice experience in local classrooms. Be wary of scientific "facts" that are untrue (unlike the very real 34 on just this list). When thats your multiplier, you dont need much massa smidgen of plutonium is plentyto create enough energy to destroy a city. Example: "What do you eggheads mean this wall is mostly empty space at a molecular level. If so, perhaps general physics would be a place to go. This is easy to work out with Bernoulli's principle, but you also need to make use of the continuity equation to work it out, which states: A_1v_1= A_2v_2 A1v1 = A2v2. 4) When you don't have time to exercise or meditate, is when you need to exercise and meditate the most. counterintuitive counterintuitive Add to list Share. What are the most surprising and counterintuitive findings in science? 2. These ideas, be it physics or biology . Learn a new word every day. University of Chicago cosmologist Michael S. Turner ranks dark energy as the most profound mystery in all of science.. One moose, two moose. Lead author Dr Byron Adams, Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Fellow at the universitys Cabot Institute for the Environment, said: It may seem intuitive that more rain can shape mountains by making rivers cut down into rocks faster. To freeze a liquid you must cool it down, but what happens to the temperature when the liquid solidifies? We have just begun to see the effects of human-induced climate change, and the predictions for whats to come range from dire to catastrophic. Paleontologists have identified five points in Earths history when, for whatever reason (asteroid impact, volcanic eruptions and atmospheric changes are the main suspects), mass extinctions eliminated many or most species. In front of your students, half fill the flask with tap water. This is technically false though. What if we talked about p-hacking the way we talk about experimentereffects? Suppose Im promoting a research idea. Coke was originally supposed to make you smarter or something. Antibiotics and vaccines have saved millions of lives; without these wonders of modern medicine, many of us would have died in childhood of polio, mumps or smallpox. 1. Maybe not. It's understandable why we get it wrong though because our intuition is based on living in a world with air resistance. It seems intuitive to me that causal relationships rapidly weaken as the distance (both spatial and temporal) between two events increases. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. These ideas, be it physics or biology, can be considered counterintuitive in that they often present themselves in ways that are counter to ones intuitive notions1). 5y. Find 23 ways to say COUNTERINTUITIVE, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Science itself is counterintuitive. [Dark energy] has inspired us to ask, as if for the first time: What is this cosmos we call home? How to use counterintuitive in a sentence. Simple, yet counterintuitive mathematics | Why numbers don't always mean what you think A number of experimental psychology studies have found support for Boyer's hypothesis. Exercise: Listen to some assertions in the media that claim to be scientific. Testing hypotheses by experiment is supposed to be the hallmark of science. Our cognitive failings are legion: we take a few anecdotes and make incorrect generalizations, we misinterpret information to support our preconceptions, and were easily distracted or swayed by irrelevant details. At what point is the marginal product maximum? Concubines were sacrificed in China to be eternal companions; certain Indian sects required human sacrifices. Which includes ourselves, since social and personality psychologists are all human beings too. The reasoning being that the conducting electrons are less likely to 'crash' into the stuff (meaning the nuclei, the core electrons, impurities,etc,etc) that is in their way, as the stuff doesn't vibrate or move around as much as it does at higher temperature. From the decisions we make to the way we deal with people, life is full of lessons that are completely counterintuitive. Without parachutes the sport of skydiving would consist entirely of people sitting around on the ground and deciding that jumping out a perfectly good aeroplane would kill them all and therefore changing the subject. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced searchad free! Starting Early: The Benefits of Teaching Counterintuitive Concepts in Childhood. Removal of dairy cows may reduce essential nutrient supply with little effect on greenhouse gas emissions ( Know that a sense of humor can be just as essential as understanding; you should also check out all these pretty funny science jokes--we we were not expecting these punchlines. Counterintuitive definition: Contrary to what intuition or common sense would indicate. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. A skilled writer can exploit the same mechanisms that lead to hindsight bias to set people up, andthen surprise! We dont always know what we think we know. Laura Helmuth is the science and health editor at Slate. Fire individual photons through a double slit at a screen and put a detector at each slit. adjective. The fascinating story behind many people's favori Can you handle the (barometric) pressure? It does not store any personal data. Sometime what we think is beneficial to us, actually harm us and what we think is harmful actually become useful. A connection to everyday lived experience is almost definitional to our field, whether you think it is something that we should actively pursue or just inevitably creeps in. Laura Helmuth So the intuitive in counterintuitive could refer to the intuitions of experts. When students compare their predictions with what actually happens to temperature in these scenarios, there will be lots to think about and discuss. Steak, salty French fries, eggs Benedict, triple-fudge brownies with whipped creamturns out theyre killers. Identify whether they are grounded in hearsay, assumption, intuition or groupthink. I've spoken before about my daily routines and how I like to exercise and meditate very day. I suppose this might still be categorized as trying to be counterintuitive, though I think it is more about striving for nuance. The research team found that the global warming potential of a single-use kraft paper bag was the highest, over 80 times that of reusable plastic bags.

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counterintuitive examples in science