5th battalion, 42nd field artillery vietnam

I also learned the folly of riding a bicycle around a blind corner of the path around the courtyard of the apartment complex at full speed. Are you looking for someone who is or was in 5TH BATTALION 27TH ARTILLERY. This combination broke the enemys attacks for the day. Once we sat on the Fulda Gap near the East German border in concentric circles with half of the 7th Army. 5th Battalion, 38th Field Artillery, 2nd Infantry Division, [ Steel Behind the Rock ], Korea 1969. On the fifteenth the North Vietnamese repeatedly assaulted the Americans, Small arms fire became so intense that the forward observer from the most hard-pressed American company was pinned down and could not call in artillery fire. The ability to airlift towed 105-mm. To his right is station NCOIC, Sgt. To protect one landing zone and its batter- ies, the field artillery had to site at least two batteries within range of each other. 2nd Bn, 17th Arty (105-155, T) 7th Bn, 9th Arty (105, T) During the second week of November, both sides opened offensives to gain control of the la Drang Valley. Contact: Ron It reduced fatigue and the resulting errors of fire direction center personnel. MACV, Forward 3, 1st Bn, 40th Arty (105, SP) HAWK missiles, Gun 2 - 'A' "Out of sight, out of mind.". I was drafted and entered the US Army November 1, 1954. Taking hi3 argument even further, Kinnard insisted that the 1st Cavalry lured the enemy into battle by teasing it with a seemingly unprotected airmobile infantry battalion. Once the enemy struck, the 1st Cavalry hit it hard with massive artillery support.60 Simply stat- ed, the battles of Ia Drang vindicated the airmobile concept and showed the field artillerys capac- ity to provide close support in difficult terrain. Contact: Bob the contact person for your unit Whenever possible or appropriate, the pilots adjusted tube artillery to flush personnel into the open and then attacked. I also drove a Gamma Goat. Although firepower was a decisive factor, it had limitations. The accidental confrontation prematurely triggered a violent enemy attack. Rest in peace with the angels. 54th Artillery Group Sgt. After they put in slot machines they made so much money that they use to run nickel beer nights. As the 2nd Brigade opened a thrust south down the valley, the rest of the division pushed rapidly southwest of Bong Son. 8th Bn, 4th Arty (8-in/175) This article is converted from Wikipedia: 5th Field Artillery Regiment. Charles "C" Battery fired the first US Army artillery round is no relation between the contact person and website), 3rd Artillery The Vietnam Years I was 8 years old (3rd grade - 4th grade) at the time so my memories are not crystal clear. Provisional agreements reached at Geneva, Switzerland, prevented this, divided the country at the seventeenth parallel, and scheduled reunification to come through a general election in July 1956. Contact: This meant that the infantry and cavalry would have to fight alone on the enemys terms unless they were under a protective umbrella of fire support. We ended Dismounted Drill with a 10-15 minute double time jog around the area. Entdecke US Army Unit Crest: 42nd Field Artillery Group - WE HAVE THE POWER in groer Auswahl Vergleichen Angebote und Preise Online kaufen bei eBay Kostenlose Lieferung fr viele Artikel! The M42 has torsion-bar suspension consisting of five dual rubber-tired road wheels with the idler at the front and the drive sprocket at the rear, and three track-return rollers. (There Forty-one. H SP (M110), Headquarters Russ Warriner, 1st Because of the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong practice of hitting from any direction at anytime, gun crews had to respond quickly and deliver fire in a full circle.71 Realizing that existing procedures were inadequate, gun crews improvised their own to furnish fire in a complete circle. Home; Exhibits and Displays According to Brigadier General David E. Ott, Commander, 25th Divisions artillery, the most significant artillery action occurred around Fire Support Base Gold during the Battle of Suoi Tre. was in the 23rd Artillery Group, which was part of Second Field Force Artillery, in the 3 commands used in artillery fire missions Because we all bought US Savings Bonds, which made the CO look good, we did not have to stand reville. artillery support for the 9th ID mobile riverine operations from barges, 2nd Battalion, 35th Artillery Motto: FESTINA LENTE (Make Haste Slowly). The 42nd Artillery, CAC was an Army Railway Artillery Regiment and was assigned to the French 240mm Railway mounted guns. Even though 1st Cavalry field artillerymen could maneuver their 105-mm. Outside of aerial artillery, the 1st Cavalrys field artillery provided minimal support. The people I remember were our CO Capt. Nevertheless, division artillery commanders had difficulty locating moving units and coordinating supporting fires. It seems there was a DP camp over the hill from our position. When they finished we moved out and did a Rhine River crossing. This usually creates fear and I was no exception. 1st Bn, 83rd Arty (8-in/175) XXIV Corps Artillery It was here that I learned the folly of placing the barbs on the barbed wire a hand space apart. Field Artillery Brigade John Howard, 1st Battalion, 83rd Artillery It was a short cut to our apartment complex. In early 1971 for example C Btry occupied 3 firebases all within 7 miles of each other for mutual support of the Engineers working on the roads, the ARVN's and US Infantry pounding the bush as well as the 3 firebases. Dinardo, 105mm H T Airborne Contact: Battalions can be added or subtracted from the unit, as need dictates. 1st Bn, 84th Arty (155, T/8-in, SP). After lunch we had an hour of motor stables followed by either more section training or R&R. Because of that, many commanders reluctantly operated beyond their artillery or tac- tical air support and refused to fight on equal terms with the enemy. GitHub export from English Wikipedia. 1st Bn, 7th Arty (105, T) Contact This really made us feel like little soldiers - lol. I was the Bn Ammo Clerk for Svc 2/92 FA even though my MOS was 13B. if there isn't one already -- it's easy! We would go to Rivers Barracks every Sunday for mass. 6th and 7th U.S. I remember his sons (Kurt - my brothers age) and Greg (my age) and their dachshund (Herman). 8" Howitzer and 175mm gun The 1/92nd Field Contact: Rick during those early days of 1966, field artillerymen in the 1st Cavalry also developed new tactics for aerial artillery. He drove by with a smile and gave us a sweeping Hi and a wink. We had gone to Grafenveer to fire the guns; we couldnt go to Baumhilder because the range was not long enough, and so we drove to the FO cement bunker on the range to observe the firing. To compensate for the lack of firepower the North Vietnamese stressed rigorous discipline, tactical superiority, and careful preparation. Countermortar Q4 Radar, 6th Battalion, 14th Artillery howitzer battery was placed in direct support of each maneuver element. your 8th Bn, 6th Arty (155/8-in, SP), 1st Bn, 8th Arty (105, T) Despite these adaptations during the heat of combat, the field artillery gave prompt, reliable support. Boswell, 1st Battalion, 7th Artillery The 2/5 Cavalry arrived at Columbus without contacting the enemy, but the 2/7 Cavalry bumped into North Vietnamese at Landing Zone Albany. We were evaluated by Brass from the 42nd as well as from V Corps. This gave me the envious position of sitting in the jeep while the other men pulled the measuring chains and recorded the angles. The story was that the perimeter guard/patroller heard a rustle in the bushes, turned, and saw the tiger coming at him in mid air. Occasionally fights broke out between the Batterys and the Engineers who were stationed at Rivers Barracks. Arty Legends - legends and I remember one of the Lieutenants (a company commander?) Although search-and-destroy operations of late 1965 and early 1966 were successful, the Army still had difficulties protecting the countryside. 2nd Battalion 1st Air Defense Artillery Regiment. We then did a half hour of PT followed by a half hour of DD. Wessling, Dusters / Quads of Battery E, Although most road marches were accomplished by convoy, which allowed us to take everything, we needed i.e. 8th Bn, 4th Arty (8-in/175) Gardner. Our problem was Moses had rotated to the US so we were down to one pitcher, Capt. The battle at X-Ray carried on over the next two days. For the military Tet presented a golden opportunity to crush the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese because they were weakened by that great effort. We saw a huge convoy approaching us in the passing lane and someone saw that it was the same outfit that Elvis was in. Greg Lawson, just to name a few. As you might expect, a number of these personnel turned out to be considerably less than desirable, and caused no end of problems. Which basically meant they would be the battery responsible for moving around as the demand for movement increased. Because la Drang acquainted the enemy with American firepower and influenced it to avoid such encounters in the future, the Army had to inaugurate search-and-destroy operations in 1965-66 to ferret out the enemy.66 For example, covered by 105-mm. The 5th Field Artillery Regiment was constituted as part of the Regular Army in January 1907. Toggle navigation. Contact: If you have a contact person 8th Battalion, 26th Scarlet is the color used for Artillery. 3rd Bn, 197th Arty (155, T) 2 In their efforts to justify airmobile operations, Kinnard and other officers overlooked an important weakness. Even though the North Vietnamese did not achieve their objective, their ability to initiate such an offensive stimulated a great debate in the United States. The 4th Battalion, 42nd Field Artillery Regiment, was originally constituted on 5 July, 1918, in the National Army as Battery D, 42nd Field Artillery, an element of the 14th Division. Together, we can make sure our heroes will get the reverence they deserve and the stories and sacrifices of our heroes will never be forgotten. Artillery, Battery C, Contact: Dave Holdorf, 3rd Battalion, 16th Artillery Become a fan. Battalions are made up of Battery's and here again you will find flexibility as BN's expanded or contracted along with the need. 2nd Bn, 320th Arty (105, T) read more 1 2 3 Next Museum of the Kansas National Guard . The following day, the North Vietnamese renewed their assaults but ran into a curtain of artillery rounds. He served with HSB Battery, 5th of 16th Artillery from June 1969-June 1970. By using this format the reader can clearly see the organization and chain of command for the artillery units. 2nd Bn, 11th Arty (155, T) Corps Vietnam Artillery", Controlled two battalions of When I woke up in my sleeping bag the first morning a fire had been started and all our boots were around the fire getting warm. The shells indicate the nature of the organization and with the bendlets produce the numerical designation of the organization. Towards the end of summer 1958 the Army switched to dollars and I remember waking up to hear women screaming along the depot fence. Commanders permitted batteries to operate independently because the war was basically a small unit conflict and was being fought over a large area. 15th webmaster VF/NM COVER A TIM BRADSTREET DYNAMITE JENNIFER BLOOD #10 VF+, Missoula MT Harley Davidson Poker Chip Grizzly . By 1967 only a foolhardy or a desperate commander would ever engage the enemy by any means other than firepower. [2][3] Bet you cant guess the name of the Battalion Commanders daughter. In past wars field artillerymen could predict the enemys moves because they were primarily confined to a sector and could be plotted on a map with some degree of accuracy. more army patches - click 165342093801 1/92nd means the 1st Battalion of the 92nd Artillery. Although some officers opposed such a tactic, most commanders valued firepower because it preserved lives. . SP = Self-propelled Shield: Gules, two bendlets between four shells, two in chief and two in base, all Or. | News | on the organization of Field Artillery in Vietnam. What he wanted was all the discards from the C rations which the GIs usually had. For the Canadian regiment, see, 42nd Field Artillery Regiment (Lanark and Renfrew Scottish), RCA, Learn how and when to remove this template message, 1st Battalion 42nd Field Artillery Regiment (United States), 2nd Battalion 42nd Field Artillery Regiment (United States), 3rd Battalion 42nd Field Artillery Regiment (United States), 4th Battalion 42nd Field Artillery Regiment (United States), 5th Battalion 42nd Field Artillery Regiment (United States), 6th Battalion 42nd Field Artillery Regiment (United States), https://web.archive.org/web/20110722214111/http://www.tioh.hqda.pentagon.mil/Heraldry/ArmyDUISSICOA/ArmyHeraldryUnit.aspx?u=3446, http://www.history.army.mil/html/forcestruc/lineages/branches/fa/default.htm, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=42nd_Field_Artillery_Regiment&oldid=1133948340. I still have a 5 cent bill. 175mm gun SP (M107) + 8-inch H SP (M110), 2nd Battalion, 40th Artillery earning the Medal of Honor 5th, Battalion, 42nd, Artillery, Arty,Service Ribbons,Vietnam,VN,United States Army,Vet,Veteran,Unit,Insignia,Patch,Crest . served at one time or another (See Map Room). Many times I would climb the fence (8ft with three lines of barbed wire atop it). in Vietnam in August 1972. The trip to Germany was an experience. We practiced RSOPs (Reconnaissance, Selection, Occupation of Position) till we could do them in our sleep. If you didnt go to town the EM club at The Depot was first rank. As the fighting grew hotter, the 1st Cavalry quickly concentrated by using the helicopters mobility, defeated the North Vietnamese, and forced them to retreat. During my time there he received his Captains bars. Despite these efforts and those that strengthened the South Vietnamese army as a whole, South Vietnam final- ly collapsed in 1975 in the face of a determined North Vietnamese onslaught. Contact: Ron During the short but intensive battles on 1and 3 November between small forces, tube artillery failed to furnish any support because it was out of range of the fights whereas aerial artillery rushed quickly forward to hit enemy units. On the kamikaze issue, that would be gamey to me. (Everyone who wasnt GI was "Comrade.") Another time we spent 3 days in a mosquito infested swamp along the Rhine River while a Company of Engineers built pontoon bridges for us to float the 280s across the river. Most Btry's were comprised of 6 howitzers, which allowed them to be split and moved to different locations for support and defense of more units and even themselves. H = Howitzer If any of you guys who served in the late fifties or sixties want to see what your contemporaries looked like check this book out. 5th Battalion, 38th Field Artillery, 2nd Infantry Division, [ Steel Behind the Rock ], Korea 1967. After 1st formation we had about a half hour to do section chores. 3rd Bn, 16th Arty (155, T), 2nd Bn, 4th Arty (105, T) Although commanders preferred to keep fire direction under the battalions control, batteries had to be able to direct their own fire since they were often employed piecemeal into battle. In fact, the only thing "static" in our lives was change. Bill Taggart, 1st Battalion, 84th Artillery Originally, the battalion was part of the 41st Artillery Mostly though we were all E3s or E4s. He dropped it with one round from his M16. Field Artillery in Vietnam. In 1966 the 4/42 Artillery deployed to Vietnam on the same ship as the 1/22 Infantry. [Taken from coffeltdatabase.org]. I returned to the University of Illinois and let Uncle Sam pay for my degree in Mechanical Engineering. M. Puccetti, Division Had to love the guy. Attached below the shield a Gold scroll inscribed FESTINA LENTE in Black letters. Lent has begun. We bowled, played softball, went to the library or just tried to look busy. The regiment served in World War I, World War II, and Korea, and regimental units have served in Vietnam, Honduras, Panama, . When I ETS'd & came home, my accent was thick, broken English! Goodman was FDC section chief. mannheim germany 41st transportation company 42 infantry division 421st med co (aa) 426 fsb 426 sig bn 426 signal 426 signal battalion 426 signal bn 426th sig bn 426th signal battalion 426th signal bn 428th medsom 428th mp co 429th ambulance company 42nd 42nd div,242nd inf 2ndbn 42nd division 42nd engineers 42nd engr co 42nd field artillery . We were there from Fall 1966 - Feb/Mar 1968. In one letter, he sent me a color picture of a 400 pound tiger carcass tied to a pole in the middle of one of the firebases. Wondering who had done this, I was surprised to find a 12 year old Polish boy had done it. You will be honored at the Vietnam Memorial Wall in Washington DC on September 9, 2016 by your brothers in arms who served with you in the 5th BN 42ND FA- we have never forgotten. Detachment 5, American Forces Vietnam Network in Hue is shown in 1967 a few months before the Tet Offensive. To fight off the assaults the Americans employed small arms fire, field artillery, and air strikes. I believe that gun ("Atomic Annie") is the one now on display at the Artillery Museum at Fort Sill.

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5th battalion, 42nd field artillery vietnam