331 infantry regiment, 83rd division

Casualty figures for the 83rd Infantry Division, European theater of operations: The 83rd Infantry Division received its nickname, the "Thunderbolt" division, after a division-wide contest for a new nickname held in early 1945. They consisted of the various occupation forces from along the Atlantic coast and down to the Pyrenees. Infanterie-Division was formed at Truppenbungsplatz Kningsbrck in December 1941 as a "Walkre"-Division (1) and was disbanded in December 1943. There they held the GIs at bay from underground pillboxes and camouflaged strong points. Welcome to the 331st Infantry Regiment documents sectionOn this page documents related to the 331st Infantry Regiment can be downloaded in the PDF format. He said he would take the job for 30 days to see how it worked out. At war's end, the "Thunderbolt" division had established a bridgehead on the Elbe River. These are the GIs of the 331st Infantry who made the ultimate sacrifice. Liberation of Langenstein Concentration Camp by 83rd Division The map contains the locations, based on the coordinate on the morning report, shown in NATO symbology . Gen. Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 83rd Infantry Division Artillery, 83rd Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop (Mechanized), Headquarters, Special Troops, 83rd Infantry Division, Headquarters Company, 83rd Infantry Division, 453rd Anti Aircraft Artillery Battalion Detachment, 25 June 1944: Third Army, but attached to the VIII Corps of, 10 September 1944: Ninth Army, 12th Army Group, 21 September 1944: Third Army, 12th Army Group, 11 October 1944: VIII Corps, Ninth Army, 12th Army Group, 22 October 1944: VIII Corps, First Army, 12th Army Group, 8 November 1944: Third Army, 12th Army Group, 11 November 1944: VIII Corps, First Army, 12th Army Group, 20 December 1944: Attached, with the entire First Army, to the, 26 December 1944: VII Corps, First Army (attached to British 21st Army Group), 12th Army Group, 16 February 1945: XIX Corps, Ninth Army, 12th Army Group, This page was last edited on 19 September 2022, at 17:37. This single overlay for 14 July shows the 330IR pulled back but in a defensive set up to the north-east of Sainteny; very much in line with what we saw with the last two overlays for 13 July. The 83d Infantry Division arrived in England. B Co, 86th Chemical Mortar Battalion, from July 19th to 29th, 1944 Leon Collins; S/Sgt. They landed across Omaha Beach and took over defensive positions near Carentan, where they relieved the 101st Airborne around the end of the month. This list is as it appeared in the history of the 331st Infantry Army Battle Casualties and Nonbattle Deaths, Final Report (Statistical and Accounting Branch, Office of the Adjutant General, 1 June 1953), Learn how and when to remove this template message, United States Army Center of Military History, "83rd U.S. Army Reserve Readiness Training Center welcomes new commander", "83rd INFANTRY DIVISION - Order of Battle of the United States Army - WWII - ETO | U.S. Army Center of Military History", United States Holocaust Memorial Museum recognition of the 83rd as a "liberator" of the camps, Army 83rd Infantry Division - WW II in Europe (video), https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=83rd_Infantry_Division_(United_States)&oldid=1111173065, Infantry divisions of the United States Army, United States Army divisions during World War II, Military units and formations established in 1917, Military units and formations disestablished in 1946, United States Army divisions of World War I, Infantry divisions of the United States Army in World War II, Articles needing additional references from July 2012, All articles needing additional references, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles incorporating text from the United States Army Center of Military History, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, COL Joseph L. Thomas, Jr. (since June 29, 2021), 308th Train Headquarters and Military Police, 329th, 330th, 331st, and 332nd Ambulance Companies and Field Hospitals, Ordered into active military service: 15 August 1942 at Camp Atterbury, Indiana. OH 83d Infantry Division "Thunderbolt Division" "Ohio Division" The 83 rd Division insignia consists of a monogrammatic design in gold spelling out the word "O-H-I-O" on a black triangular. That city was taken on 13 April. 746th Tank Battalion, from July 5th to 16th, 1944 F Company: Captain Richard E. Randal, wounded on July 4, 1944 My dad and Sherman Curry (no relation, but both were killed on 10 December) pitched in to help prepare the birds for the Thanksgiving feast. 322nd Field Artillery Battalion (105 Howitzer) A Co, 813th Tank Destroyer Battalion (SP), from July 10th to 13th, 1944 The 83rd. 174th FA Group, from August 1st to 16th, 1944 The prisoners were detailed to build underground factory installations and to carry out forced labor for Organization Todt. 2nd Battalion of the 329th Infantry was attacking west to an "island" in the swamp, finally on the 10th, the 331st captured Sainteny, Nazi propaganda letters were a "Christmas present.". 908th Field Artillery Battalion (105 Howitzer) Im not sure what the Germans hoped to accomplish doing this though. 333rd FA Group, from August 15th to 18th, 1944 It was deployed to France in 1918. H Company The 83rd Infantry Division ( 83. To avoid needless loss of life, Elster negotiated a surrender. It was initially made up of enlisted draftees from Ohio and Pennsylvania, with a cadre of Regular Army, Officers Reserve Corps, and National Army officers. Doesn't seem to be very sanitary but most of the people seem to be healthy as hell, in fact they seem to thrive on it. Click on the image for a larger view. 331st Infantry Regiment var sc_partition=5; The unit included men from Pennsylvania, Ohio, Virginia, Michigan, New York, Illinois, Indiana, New Jersey, Wisconsin, Maryland, North Carolina, Kansas, Connecticut, Kentucky, Washington, D.C., Tennessee, and even included T/Sgt. 473rd AAA AW Battalion (SP), from August 22nd to September 17th, 1944, Field artillery The following soldiers were reported as missing in action. It was active between 1941 and 1944, with a brief period of inactivity between 30 December 1943 and 16 March 1944. The only Germans encountered were patrols. In late December 1944, the 83rd took part in the Allied effort to stop the German offensive in the Battle of the Bulge. That would soon change. The photo below is the original Company F before they shipped out. 1/331 Taking Remich on the 28th and patrolling defensively along the Moselle, the 83d resisted counterattacks and advanced to the Siegfried Line defenses across the Sauer after capturing Grevenmacher and Echternach, 7 October. Then they raced through Germany. Hq. The 83rd United States Army Reserve Readiness Training Center trains soldiers in leader, functional, and DMOSQ programs. C Co, 87th Chemical Battalion, from 5th to 16th July 1944 Though the positioning of these HQs seem strange to me. From my reading on the German side, that is what the Germans would look for, and then send a counter attack in through the gap. October 8"There isn't a lot to write about over here. They cut the St. Lo-Periers road, and forced their way into Le Mesnil Vigot. The 331ST INFANTRY REGIMENT served during WORLD WAR I as part of the U.S. Army 83d Infantry Division. Engineers picked their way through mine fields and booby traps to clear the way. A Co, 87th Chemical Battalion, from July 5th to 16th, 1944 C Company Photo from "We Saw It Through," This list was compiled by Kevin Harris from the history of the 331st, "We Saw It Through." E Company Executive Officer: 1st Lieutenant Milton J. Bialeck, killed on July 4, 1944 at Sainteny The 331st Infantry Division was an infantry division of the German army during World War II. the official history of the 331st Infantry, 83rd Division. 83rd Infantry, 329th Reenactment Group, Reading, PA G Company: Captain Granville A. Finally, direct hits by 8-in. I still can't see why they can't be held to their jobs like we are. My dad's Individual Deceased Personnel File indicates cause of death as "Shrap. Do they think we are over here for our health? 3/329 : Lieutenant Colonel Quincy A. Sanders Taking the offensive, the 83rd reached the St. Lo-Periers Road and advanced 8 miles against strong opposition as the Normandy campaign ended. Platoon, 2nd.Batallion, 331 first Regiment of the 83rd Infantry Division, advanced to the rank of Sgt. Many soldiers were killed instantly. At the end, the 83rd Division, born in war, was disbanded and all its men reassigned to other units. Later groups of . Weapons Platoon : 2nd Lieutenant George P. Hopley, killed on July 4, 1944 at Sainteny The Green items are German locations or German related information, again, from the various reports. March 27, 1805, the designation of this, the 6th Regiment of Infantry, was changed to 2d Regiment of Artillery in New York city. L Company, 83rd Artillery Division Several months later, it crossed the Rhine and subsequently captured the German city of Halle on April 6, 1945. Byron Herde, 331st Infantry Notice thatthe 22nd IR, 4th ID is a good 1000 yards out in front of the 83rd ID. Well see, if I ever get around to integrating the information from the Unit Journals. The west bank of the Rhine from north of Oberkassel to the Erft Canal was cleared and defensive positions established by 2 March and the division renewed its training. The 83d Infantry Division arrived in England on 16 April 1944. They advanced toward the Taute River while rain soaked the earth and drenched their already muddy fatigues. 3/330 Troupes de la 83rd Division traquant les derniers snipers allemands dans les rues de Saint-Malo. These histories are courtesy of Myra Miller, PhD, of Footsteps Researchers. It's funny how good the news sounds, but anyway, I hope it ends soon--the sooner the better. I Company A Co, 86th Chemical Mortar Battalion, from August 1st to 16th, 1944 Click on the First Sergeant stripes to read his story. It entered the Battle of the Bulge, 27 December, striking at Rochefort and reducing the enemy salient in a bitter struggle. 24th Cav Rcn Sq, from July 18th to 19th, 1944 We believe that Pfc. At the camp, the troops found approximately 1,100 inmates. The 83rd Infantry Division ("Thunderbolt" [1]) was a formation of the United States Army in World War I and World War II . $5 Million + Founding Sponsor . Someone will have to fix them, so they won't start another war in a few more years, and I think he is the man that can do it. W. L. Arnold--AT Company, 329th Infantry Regiment The unit reported that the prisoners had been forced to work 16 hours a day in nearby mines and that the SS had murdered those prisoners who became too weak to work. The 3.5 by 1.5 mile target area was only 1,500 yards in front of the American line. Name Date of birth Date of death Awards; Baugh, Bernard F. 06-08-1944: Units. But also, the 1st Bn, 330th regiment companies were much further to the south-east just the day before. The 83rd Division command post was in a school building in the city of Luxembourg. 802nd Tank Destroyer Battalion (T), from July 1st to December 7th, 1944 Soldiers of the 83rd Infantry Division of the U.S. move on the street in the French town of Saint-Malo (Saint Malo). They raced across the German countryside until they were ordered to stop less than 60 miles from Berlin. From Normandy To the Bulge. got badly handled on 04 July. We hardly ever hear anything except rumors, and some of these are fantastic. Next page: 322nd Field Artillery Bn. U.S. Intelligence estimated between 3,000 and 6,000 German troops occupied St. Malo. [12], The 83rd moved as fast as an armored task force in an assortment of hurriedly repainted captured German vehicles: Wehrmacht kubelwagens, staff cars, ammunition trucks, Panzers, motor bikes, buses, a concrete mixer, and two fire engines. First a nudge, then a sign-- Move out! 121st Inf (8th Div), from August 6th to 15th, 1944 Intense fighting during the Battle of Saint-Malo reduced enemy strong points and a combined attack against the Citadel Fortress of St. Servan caused its surrender, 17 August. Supporting tanks were knocked out on both sides of the town by mines in the streets, bazookas, and artillery fire. "God we lost a lot of men. The regimental after action reports for the 331th Infantry Regiment in PDF format can be found in the following table. It was reformed in March 1944 as part of the 24th Welle (wave) from Schatten-Division Wahn. The Project Gutenberg eBook of Historic Jamaica, by Frank Cundall This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost an -- We threw 57,607 hand grenades If you are having trouble orienting yourself, le Port is toward the lower rightcorner, Sainteny to the left about 1/3 of the way down from the top, Culot is at the top, left, mostly off the map and Hottot toward the top about 2/3 of the way from the left. The Thunderbolt Across Europe We also get a position for the 329 IR HQ, the 330 IR HQ, as well the 1 Bn, 329 IR HQ. Stephen Ambrose, in his book "Band Of Brothers," quotes one of the men of the 101st Airborne about the arrival of the 83rd. August 5, 1944: Esvres The earlier nickname, "Ohio," was based on the division's insignia (which includes the name "Ohio," where the division was raised during World War I). June 26, 1944: Bricqueville 331st Regiment, 83rd Division Colonel James D. Shonak Commander 331st Anti-Tank Company Boyle, Paul (C) KIA Catrambone, Michael Hq. In addition, the 83rd Division recovered documents for use by war crimes investigators. Then, more than 380 medium bombers dropped 650 tons of high-explosive and fragmentation bombs, while 550 fighter-bombers dropped more than 200 tons of high-explosive and napalm. The DPAA said that in December 1944, Bernard Sweeney was assigned to Company 1, 330th Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division. The 1st Battalion is located at Fort Wayne, Indiana; the 2nd at Forest Park, Illinois; and the 3rd in Waterford, Michigan." The unit motto, the Latin phrase "VERUS AD FINEM," means "True To The End." Price $11.99 This richly illustrated book chronologically describes the course of Operation Overlord through 357 specific events. Every enemy unit or town that surrendered or was captured subscribed its quota of rolling stock for the division, usually at gunpoint. Deputy commander: Brigadier General Claude B. Ferenbaugh, Chief of Staff: Colonel Samuel V. Krauthoff, 329th Infantry Regiment: Colonel Edwin B. Crabill There are numerous entries for each day's events showing the time of occurrence for each. The 331st sped along not far behind on the flank. Cemeteries & Memorials; Burial Search; About Us; Education; Facebook; Twitter; YouTube; Instagram; ABMC Headquarters 2300 Clarendon Blvd, Suite 500 Arlington, VA 22201 Phone: 703-584-1501. 3/331 Included in this collection of medals and documents are the following items:- Original WWII Cased . And as patrols ventured toward Remich, the 331st occupied the towns of Remerschen, Assel, and Bous. August 20, 1944: Cesson-Svign It was demobilized in October 1919. These reports are courtesy of Myra Miller, PhD, of Footsteps Researchers. Another photo taken at Camp Breckenridge, showing M Company/331st, can be seen by clicking here. TTY: 202.488.0406, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, DC, The Holocaust and World War II: Key Dates, Nazi Territorial Aggression: The Anschluss, Ministry of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment, Holocaust Survivors and Victims Resource Center. This, combined with coming of age during the great depression, taught him how to make do with what was at hand. The barn and the house are all built together and the front yard is the stable yard. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. To date, 36 divisions, including the 83rd Infantry Division, have been recognized as liberating units. View the list of all donors. His Scotch-Irish pioneer ancestry also gave him mental toughness and Yankee ingenuity. 453rd AAA AW Battalion (Mbl), from July 1st, 1944 to July 9th, 1945 -- We fired 6,974,050 rounds of Many of them are buried in U. S. Military Cemeteries, and can be found by searching the Since there are no map overlays for 4 July, that Ive seen anyway, I would just take advantage of this map to point out that is the location of the Island where the 2 Bn, 329 IR, got very roughly handledon 4 July. 202nd FA Group, from August 7th to 16th, 1944 Deaths, the division's report continued, reached 500 per month. It was initially made up of enlisted draftees from Ohio and Pennsylvania, with a cadre of Regular Army, Officers Reserve Corps, and National Army officers. After high school graduation he attended the Washburn University School of Law and was admitted to the Bar as a practicing attorney.

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331 infantry regiment, 83rd division