1938 hurricane giraffes

After loading the giraffes onto the truck, they headed to the U.S. One of the giraffes is hurt and the cage is crushed around her. Find The History Guy at:New community! Woodrow Wilson Nickel, aka Woody Nickel, almost 18, happens to be on a New York dock in 1938 when the hurricane-battered SS Robin Goodfellow limps into the harbor. Please Contact Us. . I felt safe when I arrived at my house. They find it in two giraffes who miraculously survive a hurricane while crossing the Atlantic. Marianne Williamson begins longshot 2024 challenge to Biden, A SoCal cocaine kingpin will do way less time behind bars than anticipated, Proposed bills could lead to more people being forced into mental health treatment, Column: Padres struggles renew rumors of poltergeists in Peoria, San Diego Sports Curse, Padres notes: Juan Soto to be held out of weekend games; veteran pitcher Julio Teheran makes push, Appreciation: David Lindley, dead at 78, an arresting music great who was nearly arrested on stage in San Diego. I headed to San Diego and their new zoo, where Id heard that the animals get treated better than the people. When they finally were in their new house, a picturesque building that resembles a fairy-tale illustration, every connected with the job was ready to fall apart except Mr. and Mrs. Worley, Karen E. 2016. When the storm was over so was their livelihood. Charley Smith would update Benchley via telegram during the twelve-day trek. Could not imagine the river that high. The 45-mile drive from Brooklyn to the quarantine facility through flooded and debris-ridden streets, avoiding potentially low-rise overpasses, was certainly a true test of how the giraffes might handle a drive across the country, which in fact had never been done before with the towering creatures. Check out our new community for fans and supporters! They find it in two giraffes who miraculously survive a hurricane while crossing the Atlantic. She indeed fills our imagination with a journey full of colorful characters, tall tales, and deep secrets. Lofty and Patches became national figures when they made the last lap. On board the ship were some unique passengers: two Giraffes. One story about the Zoo that was told in newspapers nationwide was the travels of Lofty and Patches, the Zoos first giraffes. To see newsreel footage of the Great 1938 Hurricane, click here. The first book I have read by this author and I really enjoyed the topic, the setting and the giraffes!! You can purchase the bow tie worn in this episode at The Tie Bar:https://www.thetiebar.com/?utm_campaign=BowtieLove&utm_medium=YouTube&utm_source=LanceGeiger. I absolutely loved this book! Few paid attention to the stormbarreling up the coast. It was the voice of the narrator that I struggled with. San Diego Zoo Centennial Timeline: 1938. https://www.sandiegozoowildlifealliance.org/timeline/1938/1938/ (accessed 2/9/2021). The Northern Kraft Paper Mill in Howland, Maine. My family always talked about the 38 Hurricane. One of the aspects of the novel I enjoyed the most was the depiction of Belle Benchleysweet but tough, and highly respected. i loved the idea of the story, a road trip from new york to california with two young giraffes, the only part of the book that is non-fiction. Life Magazine Digital Archive. 5th grade business fair ideas. She smelled of fur . Use of the image requires written permission from the staff of the Collections Division. Told through the memory of an aged veteran, the story is set against the background of the Dust Bowl, the Depression and the advent of a World War. He is full of talk and wit and fun when he is around, but when away he makes me wait for news day after day until I am nearly mad from worrying. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. 'jetpack-lazy-images-js-enabled' I remember hearing my dad talk about this and how it affected the trees. He done a grand job and he knew it. A crane was used to lower the giraffe crates out of the truck and onto terra firma. So preciousIt reminded me of my days at the St Louis Zoo and Bill Ross the elephant man. In Hartford, the river reached 35.4 feet, 19.4 feet above flood stage. The History Guy: History Deserves to Be Remembered is the place to find short snippets of forgotten history from five to fifteen minutes long. Even up there the damage was great. On board the ship were some unique passengers: two Giraffes. Benchley, Belle J. 1938: The Great Depression lingers. I loved this book from the first page to the very last. Old World. One of the 19,000 buildings destroyed by the hurricane. Glover/Barton VT to be precise. San Diego, CA: Zoological Society of San Diego. Listen 4:55. Explore Jim Widmer's photographs of the Friday fish fry dinner tradition in Wisconsin. As soon as Smith had apprised Belle Benchley of the giraffes poor condition, Benchley contacted Dr. Charles Schroeder from the Bronx Zoo to assess her condition. Westerly, a bastion of quiet old wealth, never quite regained its prestige after the Great 1938 Hurricane. 1938 Atlantic hurricane season Season summary map Seasonal boundaries First system formed January 3, 1938 (record earliest) Last system dissipated November 10, 1938 Strongest storm Name "Great New England Hurricane" Maximum winds 160 mph (260 km/h) (1-minute sustained) Lowest pressure 940 mbar(hPa; 27.76 inHg) Seasonal statistics Giraffes. See and touch history at Historic Sites, Museums and special events, Restore your historic home or property, get tax credits, renovation tips. In 1938, the San Diego Zoo acquired two giraffes from east Africa. About 700 people died 75 years ago when the storm known variously as the Great New England Hurricane of 1938 or the Long Island Express began plowing up the Northeast coastline at 2:45 p.m. on. Total cost of the storm for the East End of Long Island alone was estimated to be $6.2 million (1938) Almost 50 . . [], [] This story was updated in 2018. The events of the twelve-day cross-country drive are difficult to decipher outside of what Smith revealed to journalists and The Boss Lady. He did not keep a journal, so Lynda Rutledge takes creative license to fill in the blanks for us. Itwashed away railroad tracks, sent bridges downstream and downed electrical wires, leaving some New Englanders without electricity for weeks. For instance, there were amazing oral histories just about the 1938 hurricane that the giraffes were caught in before landing in New York was the worst until Hurricane Sandy in 2012. We had us an adventure, didnt we, Woody Nickel? .printfriendly.pf-alignright { As they neared the eastern coast of the U.S., the ship was thrashed about in a hurricane, tumbling their crates and washing all their food overboard! Please Credit: Wisconsin Historical Society. Hitler is threatening Europe, and world-weary Americans long for wonder. i guess this is supposed to build up suspense and have the reader on the edge of their seat, waiting with bated breath for the secret to be revealed. I have been recommending it to everyone! -moz-box-shadow: none; A storm formed in the eastern Atlantic near the Cape Verde Islands on September 4, 1938, and headed west. The Great Depression lingers. If youd like to read about a wild ride one family took during the storm, click here. But by 1925 there were reportedly only five giraffes in the entire country. The History Guy: History Deserves to Be Remembered is the place to find short snippets of forgotten history from five to fifteen minutes long. The narrator is the orphan, now 100 years old and nearing death, who has decided that he cant let the story die with him. But getting Mr. We were on the water with the waves crashing over us, and part of the house still attached, one of the walls still attached to this piece of floor, and it almost acted as a sail.. As the truck finally reached the San Diego Zoo entrance on October 17, 1938, the nearly unthinkable had been accomplished. 2015. I did some research too and found a website that gave me an idea of what the two crates looked like. outline:none; 1. Hitler is threatening Europe, and world-weary Americans long for wonder. Two giraffes (later to be called Lofty and Patches) travelled to New York surviving a hurricane at sea. Kansas City, MO: Andrews McMeel Publishing. I have some books printed the next year , with 100s of picture , tv, nh, ri, and ct I have a book for each. Seattle, WA: Lake Union Publishing. I had read about the true story of the famous hurricane giraffes when I conducted research for my story on Belle Benchley, but I thank Lynda Rutledge for writing this work of fiction, which left me with the desire to learn more about them. There were many reasons giraffes were hard to come by for Americas first zoos. Photo courtesy Archives and Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center, University of Connecticut Libraries. Hooray Lynda Rutledge. 1997. Subscribe for more forgotten history: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4sEmXUuWIFlxRIFBRV6VXQ?sub_confirmation=1. InNew Hampshire, fire destroyed four buildings in Peterborough and wind blew down part of the Cog Railway on Mount Washington. Has some interesting accounts from people and some.good photos. and sweet foreign farm dung. For a farm boy who grew up listening to his father prattle on that animals were nothing more than food, this experience was life-changing. It touched me more deeply than anything Ive read in years!! As the giraffes leave quarantine, Woody jumps back on the stolen motorcycle and follows them. I was so excited to read this book but couldn't get past the first third. . 670 views, 48 likes, 3 loves, 2 comments, 12 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from The History Guy: In 1938, the merchant steamer SS Robin Goodfellow was caught in the Great New England Hurricane. This attention, the time for which had to be borrowed from their all too few leisure hours, touched me deeply because it showed that I had won a place with them not based on relationship of boss and employee, but upon friendship and confidence, she reminisced in her memoir. For the purposes of a bibliography entry or footnote, follow this model: Common questions about purchasing historical images from the Wisconsin Historical Society. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Lofty and Patches became national figures, From the Archives: In 1893 Jos Gabriel was the first inmate to be executed at San Quentin, From the Archives: 1973 occupation of Wounded Knee galvanized the modern American Indian Movement, From the Archives: The queens 1983 visit to San Diego drew a crowd, From the Archives: Egg poached to save condor 40 years ago. Above, the steamship Monhegansits at a pier in Providence after sinking during the hurricane. Sept. 21, 1938, was supposed to be a breezy fall day in New England. box-shadow: none; The Great 1938 Hurricane took almost everyone by surprise. That isn't much compared to what Hurricane Harvey did to Houston last month, dumping up to 50 inches of rain, but our hills and narrow valleys channel the water, producing much . Awesome The History Guy merchandise is available at: As very few images of the actual event are available in the Public Domain, images of similar objects and events are used for illustration. The storm hit Long Island and Southern . 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1938 hurricane giraffes