pennsylvania revolutionary war soldiers

Also known as the Pennsylvania Rifle Battalion and Thompson's Rifle Battalion. The exhibit also displays medical tools that doctors would have used to treat patients. Pennsylvania National Guard Veterans' Card File, 1867-1921. My GGGGrandfather Oliver Crawford Married to Lucy Alexander , from Spotts,Orange, Culpepper co Va was a revolutionary soldier. World War I was a global war fought on multiple continents with several nations involved. This file has been abstracted from original documents in the custody of the Pennsylvania State Archives and is arranged alphabetically by soldier's name in four file units. or 500 acres, the size of the tract to be based upon his rank. Click on the link to learn more about the Spanish American War. Lacking sufficient assurances that the state would be willing to protect Congress, the members left Philadelphia that day for Nassau Hall in Princeton, New Jersey, which became the provisional capital of the United States.[2][3]. an "at large" chapter. If you are interested in a copy of the muster roll the individual served in, sometimes combined with documentation relating to the actions of his company or battalion, please click here. I have his birthday as 23 "perpetuate the memory of those who, by their services Furthermore, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania does not endorse any commercial products that may be advertised or available on Pa. presented to members and other Americans for patriotic The jacket-envelope contains card abstracts of entries relating to the soldier as found in original records such as muster rolls; payrolls; rank rolls; inspection, provision, and clothing returns; receipts for pay and bounty; accounts for subsistence, pay, rations, clothing, and ordnance; abstracts of muster and pay rolls; and correspondence. tthe Pennsylvania Society, For ordering information about the medal and state in turn by the local chapters - at which Records of Mexican War veterans might exist in a state where the veteran later resided. charter members, all from the District of Columbia Images of the records are also included. Land area was located within the Purchase of 1784, immediately to the north For example, see United States, War Department, Revolutionary War Rolls 1775- 1783, Pennsylvania Jackets 1-93 FS Library films 830359-63. These included associations, militia, and line troops. Colonels Colonel William Thompson, Colonel Edward Hand, Colonel James Chambers Companies In 1790, Congress passed the Residence Act, which created the District of Columbia, located on the banks of the Potomac River from land belonging to the states of Maryland and Virginia to serve as the new federal capital. Revolutionary War Online Records Revolutionary War Pension Payment Ledgers, 1818-1872 from NARA microfilm publication T718. Mike, I am also looking for parents information on James Leonard buried May 6th 1817. and get acquainted, and the Compatriots conduct business The Pennsylvania Line Mutiny was a mutiny of Continental Army soldiers, who demanded higher pay and better housing conditions, and was the cause of the legend and stories surrounding the American heroine Tempe Wick. Sources of Revolutionary War Service - I cannot find one in your databaseplease suggest research strategies. Old Hanover Presbyterian Churchyard. Key historical sites, museums, and institutions, Libraries, archives, and historical societies, Significant documents originating in Pennsylvania during the Revolution, Legacy and influence: Colony to super-power. He ranked as a corporal. Free access to Pennsylvania is available to Pennsylvania State residents. Proudly founded in 1681 as a place of tolerance and freedom. He is listed as a soldier of the American Revolution and also listed in the DAR. 1st Anne/Anna MCCRARY/MCCREARY and had son James. A with the colonial and Revolutionary period. Revolutionary War Draws to a Close (1781-83) Photo Galleries The Revolutionary War (1775-83), also known as the American Revolution, arose from growing tensions between residents of Great. George Washington's crossing of the Delaware River, Supreme Executive Council of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms, Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, An Act for the Gradual Abolition of Slavery, Washington's Headquarters at Valley Forge, German auxiliaries - commonly called "Hessians", Gen. Horatio Gates House and Golden Plough Tavern, Franklin Court and Benjamin Franklin Museum, Tomb of the Unknown Revolutionary War Soldier, WashingtonRochambeau Revolutionary Route, Jean-Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur, comte de Rochambeau, Declaration and Resolves of the First Continental Congress, The Captivity of Benjamin Gilbert and His Family, 1780-83, People of Pennsylvania in the American Revolution, Continental Army officers from Pennsylvania, Continental Congressmen from Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania militiamen in the American Revolution, Superintendent of Finance of the United States, Great Britain and the United Provinces of the Netherlands (Dutch Republic), Society of the Descendants of Washington's Army at Valley Forge, "John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 24 August 1815", "Resolution Establishing the Continental Marines", United States Marine Corps History Division, "Journals of the Continental Congress, 17741789, 8:464", "The British Marksman Who Refused to Shoot George Washington", Appletons Cyclopaedia of American Biography: Pickering-Sumter, 1898, Kazimierz Pulaski Granted U.S. 4th PA Battalion Captain James Moore's Company (incomplete), 4th PA Battalion Caleb North's Company (incomplete), 4th PA Battalion Captain Thomas Robinson's Company, 4th Battalion Captain Frederick Vernon's Company (incomplete), 5th Regiment of the PA line, commanded by Colonel Robert Magaw, Uwchlan Citizens in 7th Battalion Chester County Militia - 1777, 8th Battalion Chester County Militia 1780, 8th Battalion of Chester County Militia 1781, Captain John Parker's Company, Lt. 1722 Armagh, Ireland, md l740-45 Elizabeth Williams, died 26 Apr l802. Please click on the links below to view one of the scanned Donation Land series: Donation Claimant Papers and Miscellaneous Patents, [ca. Revolutionary War Soldiers Buried In Dauphin County, PA. For If you wish more information in regards to his war service please contact me as I have much more. Revolutionary War veterans Family History Library PA USGenWeb Archives - Statewide Military Records K, B, and R can be easily misread, even if the following combinations of letters make no sense. Military Abstract Card File for the Revolutionary War, 1775-1783. soldier's grave is given when known. Read more in the Pennsylvania in the Revolutionary War article. General Society of the War of 1812, 1895 Officers, Descendant Members : Apr 2004: Judy Banja. resize the image, the CSS style sheet will resize the images for you, once Several lineage societies related to the revolution currently have an organized presence in Pennsylvania, including the Society of the Descendants of Washington's Army at Valley Forge, Sons of the Revolution, Sons of the American Revolution, Daughters of the American Revolution, Children of the American Revolution, and Society of the Cincinnati. The "World War II Selective Service Draft Cards: Fourth Registration, 1942" is often referred to as the Old Mans Registration or the Old Mans Draft" because it included men with a date of birth from April 28, 1877 to February 16, 1897. with links to articles about the Pennsylvania regiments involved in the Civil War. If you find something interesting within this list or would like to share your own discoveries, please leave us a comment. Pennsylvania Revolutionary Soldiers The following names are not included in the regular muster rolls. He md. of state-wide concern. They are available in PDF format and require Adobe Acrobat Reader to view. Even with close to total conscription, the South could not match the North's numerical strength. McDowells Company of Militia, 4th Battalion; Comptroller General. Founding Father Robert Morris said, "You will consider Philadelphia, from its centrical situation, the extent of its commerce, the number of its artificers, manufactures and other circumstances, to be to the United States what the heart is to the human body in circulating the blood. George Washington, on hearing of the mutiny on June 24, sent 1,500 troops under the command of Major General William Heath and General Robert Howe, who came out of retirement, to suppress the mutiny. Unless the indexer is familiar with surnames in a specific area, there is a chance of misreading the written name. A Pennsylvania. By clicking the link above you will be transported to, a website that is not under the management or control of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and is not governed by the privacy or security policies of the Commonwealth. Born 1760; died May 14, 1842; buried at Union Hill, near Mehoopany. Cumberland County PA Military Records - LDS Genealogy Folck's Company Albrecht, John Anatat, John Anstat, Adam Bayer, Henry Bechel, John Becker, Jacob Block, Adam Brem, John By 1780 George was married to his wife Anna Margaret and settled in Chanceford Township as a farmer. fought or gave service for Independence in the American Bethel in Berks County Military Records. I would appreciate any help I can find on William David Straw ancestors. The list of records available is located in the bottom left corner of the Pennsylvania web page. By 1902, membership had grown to 378 - and by 2020 has [9] In a final attempt to convince Congress to keep the capital in Philadelphia, the city began construction on a new presidential palace and an expansion to Congress Hall. resize the image, the CSS style sheet will resize the images for you, once [2], The next morning on Friday, June 20, the State House was mobbed by as many as 400 soldiers demanding payment. Co., 1906-1907, PA's Past: Digital Bookshelf at Penn State, Swarthmore College Friends Historical Library,, Names of soldiers and their companies in the colonial period, 1744-1765, are in the 5th series, volume 1 of the Pennsylvania Archives, "Register of the Pennsylvania Society of the Colonial Dames of America" published in 1907 (. Land Records - A History and Guide for Research, pages 163-167. CMSRs from the Revolutionary War and Post-Revolutionary period have been digitized and are available through and Fold3. Each Pennsylvania Line soldier and . The Mexican War was caused by the annexation of Texas by the United States in 1845. {#17.169}, Donation The 1818 Pensioners of the United States: On June 5, 1834, the U.S. Senate required the Secretary of War to submit a statement showing the names of pensioners who were on the pension rolls or had previously been on the pension rolls. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania does not necessarily endorse the views expressed or the facts presented on If you are searching for a surname using the spelling(s) you are familiar with, and not finding the person in question, try the following: 1. Martin Weaver, Col. For information about the federal soldiers from Pennsylvania (the Pennsylvania Line), see John B. Record and Pension Office. Bolkhovitinov, "The Declaration of Independence," 1393. [6] Their efforts failed, and the federal government relocated from Philadelphia for the final time on May 14, 1800.[10]. were distributed by a lottery system. Thomas Espy Post 153 Department of Pennsylvania. (eds): (1982), Philadelphia: A 300-Year History, New York and London: W. W. Norton & Company. Pennsylvania Militia Returns, 1809-1850 - Westmoreland County Pennsylvania State Archives Pennsylvania, U.S., Veterans Card Files, 1775-1916 Ancestry . reached more than 1500. [1], On June 17, 1783, Congress received a message from soldiers of the Continental Army stationed in Philadelphia, which demanded payment for their service during the American Revolutionary War. In the "Soldier Health in Revolutionary Pennsylvania" exhibit, visitors can step into a sick room that recreates the spaces that soldiers recuperated in during the Continental Army's 1776 encampment at the Thompson-Neely House. A helpful bibliography is John B. And immigrants whose names did not translate or fit into American society may have adopted completely different names or abbreviated their own name when they immigrated. Boundaries of states, counties and townships have also changed as the population grew. Washington's great triumph against the Hessian forces at Trenton on December 26, 1776, is one of the best-known episodes of the Revolutionary War. William was my ggggrandfather. [23], Nineteen Pennsylvania counties (almost a third of its 67 counties) are named for military and political figures from the American Revolution: Adams, Armstrong, Bradford, Butler, Crawford, Fayette, Franklin, Greene, Jefferson, Luzerne, McKean, Mercer, Mifflin, Monroe, Potter, Sullivan, Warren, Washington, and Wayne counties. Society - since the National headquarters was then PA Society SAR Home Page - PASSAR Each record provides the soldier's name, category, rank information, and NARA microfilm roll number to aid the researcher in locating the original record. Medals and awards are Military Accounts, Line, 1775-1809. Pennsylvania was the site of many key events associated with the American Revolution and American Revolutionary War. 4. 15 volumes. rendered in your web page. Military Records | Chester County, PA - Official Website 10, 11, 13, 14. Alsop, John (private). to this date. George was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, serving seven years as a private in the Pennsylvania Militia, 6th Battalion of York Co. Captain Thomas McNerry's Company. Camp Security Park (Springettsbury Township, York County, PA), site of the 1781 to 1783 Prisoner of War camp for prisoners from the, This page was last edited on 6 January 2023, at 01:43. The average Civil War soldier was 26 years old, weighing 143 pounds and standing 5'8 . Pennsylvania Military Records Pennsylvania in the Revolutionary War 1st Pennsylvania Regiment Brief History Also known as the Pennsylvania Rifle Battalion and Thompson's Rifle Battalion. Looking for Hezekiah Haynes, born about 15 March 1785, possibly in Hanover Co., VA. His father could have been one Thomas Hains. Continental Army Soldiers' Clothing, Head to Toe Thank you! Spanish-American War records might exist in the state from which the soldier served or in a state where the veteran later resided. For more information, see United States in the War of 1812. Black Soldiers Played an Undeniable but Largely Unheralded Role in the counties of Butler, Clarion, Crawford, Erie, Lawrence, Mercer, Venango and Since there is overlap in the WWI and WWII Selective Service registration, men born in the years 1877 to 1900 may have registered twice and have both WWII and WWI draft records. The Military Abstract Card File is an index to these records. Your "What's New" content includes an image that 'AUTO' scales. The regimental pages often include lists of the companies with links to the counties where the companies started. The true number of black Revolutionary troops is most likely higher than the 6,600 names in Forgotten Patriots, according to Wilson, who logged more than 700 names in Rhode Island alone.

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pennsylvania revolutionary war soldiers